The Letter

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3rd POV

The girl sprinted in an unknown direction, jumping from roof to roof as her long stunning white hair glowed behind her in the dim moonlight. Her eyes set on a mysterious destination.

Making sure that no one saw her, she and her axe (still in her hand), hidden by the night and downpour. She hopped down from the last house on to the nearest tree. Beyond that the only thing visible from her position was the front of the moor that separated the commoners resident that surrounded the Jason's villa and the 'noble' resident, as they liked to call it, around the countryside.

She stood their for a minute, taking in the scenery. Her cape swaying in the light wind. She let out a sigh and continued her journey leaping from tree to tree making sure not to even set a foot on the wetland.

From far behind her the sound of the Big Ben resounded twice indicating it was two in the morning already. The sound made her pause on the branch she was sitting on. "Edward's gonna be pissed." She muttered, while looking back and picturing the hour long lecture he was going to give her for going out in the stormy night and then being late. She shrugged and continued, her speed unwavering. A few minutes later she could see the outline of a mansion. She carefully climbed down the tree and walked over to the foothold of the mansion.

She knocked on the door twice and stepped back. Not even a second later the door was swung open to reveal a very handsome man in his late-twenties. He had messy raven hair that reached his chin and violet eyes. He opened the door more to let the girl in and once she entered, closed the door behind her.

Bloom's POV

"My queen, look at the time, will you?" Edward said. And there you have it. I just entered the building dripping wet due to the rain and what do I get? An hour long lecture about how careless I am about being the heir of the Sapphire bloodline. I tuned him out and proceeded to remove my wet shoes and stockings.

"---rincess, princess are you even listening to me?", he practically yelled out. "Nope." I replied avoding eye contact. He sighed knowing that there's no point arguing with me when I was in this state.

He disappeared up the marble stair case which stood directly in front of the mansion gate. I sat down on the chairs aligned against the wall and kept the axe against the wall on a nearby chair, moments later he reappeared and passed me a towel and placed the laundry basket next to me for my wet clothes. 

I plopped the blood soaked cape, stockings, jacket and the belt containing most of my armaments in it; leaving me just in my leather shorts and black undershirt. I stood up and walked up the staircase, hearing shuffling behind me I assumed that Ed was following with the things.

"Would you like me to run a bath, My Queen?"

"Yeah, sounds good enough.......make sure it hot but not boiling like last time."

"Princess, you asked it to be boiling." I swear I could practically hear him smirking.

"That was a metaphor you idiot of a demon." He just chuckled as a response. "And keep you bloody pranks to yourself."

He waited for a moment, sighed and then muttered, "I could say the same for yourself." It was my turn to laugh now, the memory of my last practical joke still makes the house servants face-palm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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