Meeting One Direction?

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                                                 Chapter One: The Evil Ones

I stood there blanky, looking into is soft brown eyes. And then it happened, he kissed me! Louis Tomlinson from One Direction kissed me! His lips were so warm, but it just didn't feel right. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like it wasn't real. "Beep! Beep!" screeched Louis. "Are you okay Louis?" I ask. I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. 7:00 am it reads. I get up and look at my One Direction poster that hangs by my closet, I kiss my two fingers and put them on Niall. The boy I love from One Direction. My name is Ale, I'm 14 and I'm Irish, just like Niall. My dream is to meet him one day in person. But I know that will probably NEVER happen. I throw on a 1D t-shirt, jeans and my black converse and walk downstairs. My mum and brother, Toby are already at the table. My dad left when I was 5 if you are wondering. I grab some Froot Loops in a cup and head out the door. I live 2 blocks from my school so I walk there everyday. As I'm walking I put in my headphones to my favorite song, "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction of course! I start to sing in my head, "You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or." and I'm interrupted by my best friend, Abby sneaking up behind me and scaring the poop outta me. "Hey Ale!" she says. "Omg, you scared the crap outta me Abbs." I reply.

"Sorry." she apologizes. "I forgot you have your headphones in EVERY morning." "It's cool, but don't let it happen again." I joke. *bell rings* "C'mon, we're gonna be late." she hurries me. "Coming!" I reply running after her.

                                                           *bell rings at 2:45*

"See you Abbs!" I say as she and I part. I was about to put my headphones in when a limousine pulls up beside me. "Just keep walking Ale" I tell myself. "Hey!" A cute Irish accent yells. "Hello?" I turn around to face the limo. "Are you Ale?" A tall man asks me. "What is it to you?" I ask the man and cross my arms. "I work for One Direction. I have exact orders to retrieve a young lady named..." pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Allison Gonzalez, do you know her?" the man asks me. "I am her." I reply to the man. "Okay, what is your curfew Ms. Allison?" he asks wondering. "I don't have a curfew, I come home whenever I want." I say proudly. "Okay Ms. Allison." he says opening the limo door. " You may enter the liomousine of One Direction." he says. "You're kidding right?" I ask like he's stupid. "Excuse me?" he says. "I don't trust strangers." I reply hesitantly. "Maybe this will change your mind." he says proudly. "Mr. Horan?" I jump out of my skin when I hear his name. "Y-Y-Your Niall Horan!" I say excitedly. "Yes ma'am." he replies and kisses my hand wih those soft lips of his. "I love the way you sing!" I say a little too excited. "Thank you Ms. Allison." he says as he chuckles. " Now, Ladies first." He says holding a hand toward the limo. I get in and am surrounded ny the other 4 members of 1D. "Ohmygosh." I say so quickly that they can't make out. "Excuse me love?" asks a curious Harry. "Sorry, It's just all my life I never thought I'd actually meet One Direction." I say out of breath. "Don't worry love, we'll be there soon." Says Louis. "Okay" i reply. "If you would like love, rest your head on my lap and take a nap. It's a long drive." says a very sweet Zayn. "If you don't mind" I say awkwardly. "No worries dear, were all friends here." says Liam saying the "friends" kind of evil. "Okay." I lay my head on Zayn's lap and fall asleep.


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