Chapter 12

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The bright morning sun hour your sleeping face. You wake up facing the wall. You were about to move but you felt two strong hands holding you. He felt hot breathing on the back of your neck. You completely forgot where you slept that night. You turned around and there his face was, it was right in front of you sleeping peacefully. You smiled while looking at his face. Then his eyes tarted opening, you quickly look away. Making sure he didn't see you staring at him.
-"I saw that" his sleepy, sexy voice said. You practically died at how hot his voice was in the morning. You finally  realised that you are actually falling in love with changkyun. You never thought it was possible but... it's happening. While you were in your thoughts I.m got up and he had no shirt on. You looked up at him, his amazing six pack took half your view. You just kept starring.
"Oi, y/n my face is up here" he says pointing at his face while laughing. You get up off the bed and stand right next to him "maybe if you put a shirt on I would be looking  at your face" you said walking to the bathroom. He laughs. While you guys were mucking around in the room there was a knock at the door. You look and changkyun, he looks at you. "Answer it" you whisper to him. He shoved you in the bathroom and closed the door. You were freakin out. You heard I.m open he door. "Oh kihyun, what's re you doing here I thought you were at your mums house" changkyun says. WAIT KIHYUN !!! IN THE ROOM!!! WITH YOU!!!
-"where is she?" Kihyun says. You heard a bang on the wall meaning kihyun shoved I.m. Is he looking for me? How does he know? "What do you mean? Who ?" Changkyun says acting it off. You heard things slam and bang to ground.  He was searching for you. You quickly find a empty cupboard in the bathroom. Thank god you are tiny so you could fit into it.
-"where the hell is y/n, I know she is here!!!" Kihyun screams. You hear the bathroom door open. And you hear the bathroom curtains open. How the hell would he know you are here ??
-"w-what do you mean y/n? Why would she be in my room?" Changkyun says shutting the bathroom door after kihyun walked out. You quitely got out of the cupboard. You made no sound.
-"whatever, she isn't here now but if I find out that she was here I will kill you AND HER!!" Kihyun screams while slamming the front door walking out. You walk out of the bathroom. You look at changkyun he had a red mark on his back and some scratches. You go up to him and look at the wall it had a whole in it. You go tot changkyun "omg kihyun did this?" Your aid turning him around looking at his sores. "Y/n it's alright, I'm fine" he says. You could see thru his lies. "No you are not, do not lie to me. Lie on the bed" you say taking him to the bed. You go back into the bathroom and get a cup of warm water and salt. You grab some toilet lapse and go to the bed. "Look y/n it's alright it doesn't hurt" changkyun says. You look at him in a sassy way. "I told you stop lieing now lie down!!" You screech at him. He does as you say. You hover over him and start cleaning up his wounds. "Who even told kihyun?" He ask you. You keep cleaning "I have no idea, maybe fans followed us or something ?" You say.

You finish cleaning his back and you clean The cup and flush the dirty toilet paper down the toilet. How the hell could kihyun actually find out. You walk back out and he was standing up in his phone. "Well there is nothing we have been tagged in about last night so there is no way a fan could of told him without all us getting the message" e says putting his phone down. You say on the bed sighing. You hear a buzzing sound but you didn't pay attention to it. "Y/n your phone is buzzing" changkyun says you quickly grab you phone to see who it was. It was your father. "I have to take This" you say and walk to the corner of the room.
"Hey dad"
"Hey darling. WhT are you doing ?"
"I'm just at a friends house, why?"
"Well can you head to the sm building now?"
"Wait, What why?"
"Training starts early, come on he's dhere now"
"Uhhh sure I'll be there in like 30 minutes"
"Good, bye see you soon"
And he hangs up. You look back at I.m. "I've got to go to my dad now" you say getting your hand bag. You go tot the bathroom and use his brush (a shitty tiny one). "Okay well hopefully we meet up again soon" he says while you were walking out the door. Just as you were about to open it and say good bye you remember that you are still in the Monsta X dorm. "Changkyun, how am I supposed to get out?" You say closing he door and turning back around. -"they all went for breakfast 15 minutes ago. You have like 5-10 minutes to get out of here" he say smiling. You smile back "if I bump into one of them I'll say I was here for kihyun, bye" you say waving while walking out of the room. You fell up against the wall. You were actually in love. This has never happened before, you have never even felt like this. It's so different to you.

         ~time skip to your fathers office~
"Hey dad"
"Hey y/n" mark  says, you didn't realise that your members were in there. You bow to them "oh hey I didn't see you guys there" you say laughing. You look at Taeyong who has his arms crossed death starring you. "Shall we go and practice?" Mark ask. Oh nod "yeah let's go" You all head out. Taeyong hasn't Sid a word to you since you got there. What did you do to him?

You, Mark and Taeyong have practiced  for 2hours On your new moves. Damn these are so hard. You have 2 more hours with time for singing and rapping. How even is the possible. You were sitting with your back against the wall. Mark was next to you and Taeyong (still hasn't talked to you!!). "Hey Mark, what's wrong with Taeyong? He hasn't talked to me the whole time" you say facing mark. Mark shrugged his shoulders like he knew something.

~3 hours later~
You say good bye to mark and Taeyong. "Bye mark" -"bye y/n, have a safe ride home" You smile and wave. "Bye Taeyong" you wave but he still just death stares you. What did you even do to him.  You walk down the stairs because the elevator was packed. You were walking and thinking about what happened this morning when you bump into... kihyun?
"Oh kihyun what are you doing here?" You say startled.
-"where were you last nigh y/n?" He ask pushing you against the wall harshly. It hurt a lot. You didn't know why kihyun was acting like this?
"Uhh I told you I was staying at Alexa's" you say getting off the wall trying to go pst him.
"I WAS JUST AT ALEXAS SHE SIAD SHE HASNT HEARD FROM YOU SINCE THAT DAY!!!" He screams in your face making you jump. What has gotten into him?
"Can you please stop yelling" you say walking down the stairs. You can't stand your brother like this he scares you.
"Y/n I'm talking to you!, don't you dare ignore me!!' He says chasing after you skipping down steps to keep up with you. Why is he doing this?
"Y/n listen to me, tell we where you were last night!" He says still chasin you. Tears were building in your eyes. You and kihyun barely fight why was he starting now? You made it to the bottom floor without loosing it at him. But he kept following you and asking you questions. What even is it to him? He has never cared about my life before?
"ARE YOU SERIOUS Y/N ANSWER ME NOW" he slams you against a brick wall. You felt your back cave in. Why was he being abusive towards you. You had to loose it. You can't handle it anymore.
-"KIHYUN NOT THAT IS WAS ANY OF YOUR BUISNESS BUT I WAS AT MY OLD FRIENDS HOUSE THAT NIGHT, NOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE. YOU HAVE HURT ME ENOUGH AND IM OVER IT WHATEVER HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU, GET RID OF IT!!!" You scream and pushing. Kihyun out of the way and you walk to your fathers security car. While you were walking in a parking lot you heard a car speeding really face, you look to your right and you see a black van coming at you in full speed. You couldn't move your legs have frozen. The van comes closer and faster towards you. The last thing you heard was kihyuns  screams and car tires screeching.

What happened to y/n? Who was in the car?

(Phewwww I've posted a lot today, I don't even know how many times a day I'm gonna do it anymore, please enjoy💜)

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