[twenty six] demons

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I woke up with a jolt.

What the fuck? Where am I? Why it smell like mothballs?
How I get in here? What-

My memory started to slowly come back.

Daniel. That nigga dead when I see his ass. Fuck a windmill, I'm going full on wind turbine on his ass.

I stood up. Fuck, it's dark.

I grabbed my phone, trying to turn it on. It wouldn't. Damn.

"He better not had broke my shit." I muttered.

I thought for a minute.

Fuck it.

I backed up as far as I could, and ran straight for the door.

I was almost there, before the door came flying open, Symere standing in the doorway. "Stoke-oh!"

I slammed into his small frame, sending him flying. His little body slid across the hallway.

"Oh shit!" I scram over to him.

He was hunched over, clutching his stomach. His glasses were across the floor.

"Ow. Why did you do that?" He squeaked.

"I'm sorry! I was aiming for the door." I picked him up.

"Why ain't you slow down then?" He asked rubbing his neck.

"Oops." I walked over and picked up his glasses.

"Jesus Chri-" he barely finished the sentence before he coughed.

"Oh, did I break something?" I held him out in front of me to examine him.

"No. I just can't say that name. My dad hates it." He jumped down out of my arms.

"What you mean-"

"Come on! You're gonna miss it!" He started to drag me by my hand.

"Miss what? Where the other boys at? Oh fuck, where is Daniel?!"

"I'm taking you there now. Jahseh said to come get you, he doesn't want you to miss this!"

"Miss what?" I asked.

"You'll see." He grinned.

As we walked down the hallway, I noticed that the lights would flicker anytime we walked under them. Symere didn't say anything.

What the fuck?

We were apparently going to the bathrooms. I could hear noise coming from the girls room.

"What is that?" I asked after I heard what sounded like a scream.

"Look!" Symere pointed at the bathroom door. Something balck was oosing down the too of the door.

"What the fuck?! Did y'all flood this shit?! Wh-"

The door swung open, and Symere pushed me inside.


It was dark. At least until I flicked a light switch. All of the boys were there. Most of them were cowered over in the corner.

Patrick and Tyler were just standing in the middle of the floor, phones in hand.

Who gave them lil niggas phones? Ain't they like, seven?

"Pokeley! You made it!" Diego ran up to me and hugged my leg.

"Yeah, Stokes." Jahseh yanked Diego away from my leg, and took his place.

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