[sixty two] normal for a day

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"Good morning, son. How are you feeling on this mighty fine day?" My wonderful father asked me as I stepped into the kitchen. The smell of freshly cooked bacon filled my nostrils. My baby brother was snoring away in his booster seat.

"Why, hello father. Good morning to thou as well. I am feeling absolutely splendid! What a mighty fine day indeed." I smiled.

"I sure hope you boys are hungry!" My mother said joyously.

"Oh goodie! Jolly good show!" I clapped.

~Squiggly Time Skip Line ✡~

"Okay children. Let's all open our magic letter notebooks and trace our ABC's."

"Yes, sir." The kids all replied. They all opened their notebooks and began to trace, the room was filled with silence.

I started to write the alphabet on the chalk board, just in case one of the kids would get confused over which letter comes next. Loud chalkboard scrapes filled my ears and they started to hurt, but I kept a bright smile on my face nonetheless because everything in this book has to be all sunshine and rainbows since it's a daycare.

"Um, excuse me?"

"Yes, Gazzy?" I stopped scraping.

"May I please go potty?"

"Yes, go ahead. Look out for the janitor, he says the floor is wet."

~Another Fucking Squiggly ✡~

"Okay kids, clean up your messes! Snack time!"

The room erupted in cheers. The kids started to clean up their areas while singing the 'Clean Up Song' very loudly.

Once they were done, they all rushed to the little round tables.

"What's our snack today?"

"Is it gummies? I hope we get gummies."

"I like Jell-O."

I chuckled. "Actually, today we're having carrots and dry broccoli for snack time."


"Even better! I just love, love, love dry veggies and no water to wash it down!"

~Can You Tell How Pissed I Am Squiggly Line ✡~

"How was your day today?" My best friend of seven years, who I was strictly platonic with because this is normal and my parents were very religious Christians, Jahseh asked me.

"Great! Very exciting, might I add."

"That's wonderful to hear."


"Okay, talk to you later."

"Farewell my brethren!"


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