Chapter 16

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The next afternoon, Fiona was seated with Lord Winston—he rarely left her alone. Most of the time, she didn't mind...even the duchess's disgruntlement over his attentions only amused her. But today was not one of those days.

Ever since he'd left her in the maze yesterday, the Duke had been different. She didn't catch him staring at her at inopportune times. He didn't try to seek her out with one excuse or another. He didn't stare at Lord Winston when he tried to monopolise on her time.

If anything, he was directing all of his attention on his fiancé—as it should've been. He'd whisper in her ear and spend as much time with her as possible. Lady Sophia was looking at her smugly but she wasn't torturing Fiona with any snide remarks.

She should be relieved, she knew. To have the Duke ignore her was what she'd wanted from the start. He was treating her as if she was no more than his mother's companion—and she was. Fiona knew her place. But that didn't mean her heart didn't ache.

It was physical—the pain. Her throat felt like it was clogged and she just wanted to scream and cry just to release the hurt.

She was surprised by the force of her reaction. She'd never been too sorrowful or emotional. Even when the times were hard, she would find a way to laugh it off.

Being desolate wasn't something she was familiar with.

"You seem upset, Fiona. Is everything alright?" Lord Winston asked, a concerned expression on his face.

Fiona nodded tightly, but her eyes didn't move from the sight before her.

Lord Winston followed the line of her vision and immediately understood. It was the Duke. He was feeding some pastry to Lady Sophia who took little bites.

"Fiona..." he began but she held up her hand. He knew. He knew and he wasn't angry. He sounded sympathetic. But Fiona didn't want sympathy.

"I'm fine. You worry needlessly. I just need some fresh air," she said and shot him an apologetic glance and stood.

"Would you like me to come along with you?"

"No, I wish to be alone."

She didn't wait to hear his response.

She exited the hall and wandered outside. Where was she to go?

Her feet automatically began carrying her towards the stables.

Although she couldn't ride, Fiona had discovered that she enjoyed being in the company of horses. They soothed her. After the house party had begun, Fiona would often visit the stables.

She hoped it would be empty at this time.

Fiona immediately went to her favourite filly's stall.

"Hello, Cindy," she smiled and the horse neighed happily. She began to lip at Fiona's hair as soon as she was close enough.

"I didn't bring you any apples today, I'm afraid," she grinned.

The horse let out what seemed like a sigh but seemed content to allow Fiona to brush her.

After a while of confessing her feelings to Cindy and crying, Fiona was ready to go back to the hall.

Except, she heard a voice.

"Where are you, darling? I've been looking for you."

Baron Redgrave.

Fiona retreated back into the stall.

There was only one reason the Baron would seek her out. Oh this was awful.

She'd been able to defend herself when she'd been in his employment. She used to be careful to avoid empty rooms and even when he did end up catching her alone, she'd known that help was only a a few seconds away—all she'd have to do was scream. And so even the Baron hadn't tried anything too serious—just a grope here and there.

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