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As they smiled, laughed, teased, got angry, slept and woke, no one noticed the Dark times that came closer day by day.

Karen Fawley lived a dream, till her lullaby went off.

It was windy morning, when the young girl departed her house and left for her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was among the few who weren't very excited on leaving, but nevertheless, she left.

Five years later, everything had changed.

The kingdoms became too weak, when an empire was formed.

The kings had little value, for it was the emperor who had arrived.

"You're not going to be there?" Karen asked her parents, hurt.

"We're afraid so, sweetheart. He has called up on us tomorrow. Surely, you'll be able to manage." Her father said.

"Of course."
And with that, she left upstairs to her room.

The next morning, when she woke up, her parents weren't there to greet her. She got dressed and put on a silver ring, which was a family heirloom. She had gotten it as a gift from her parents on her 15th birthday.

Over the summer, Karen had grown.

Not in context of height, that too was there, but her insight had grown.

She had believed everything would continue to be Perfect in her life, but when her parents, the two people who cared so much couldn't make her their first priority, for the first time, Karen wasn't the most important.

And that stung her.

In the universe, nothing was or is, it is all what we think and imagine. Everything is defined by the perspective of an individual, and those persepctives create this universe. The dark brings light to some, while darkness to the other. To every way we see something, we create scopes of different ideas, we innovate with every thought.

Karen was walking down the stairs, to get her breakfast.

And the only to see her were the prying eyes of darkness, who had their next target set.

Home was a place where one felt safety and security, where they weren't afraid to be themselves.

And not everyone was fortunate enough to have one.

Karen, however, had been blessed with a home, a loving family and riches, but the light patterns only stood out on the dark base.

Her home, her family and riches, they were all under the control of a dark soul. He could rip it all apart, but the fact that he didn't do it earnt him the title of being merciful.

Light was just a grace of darkness, and that light had started to dim. It was going back to it's origin. Light and darkness came in many forms, abstract and living, but in the end, everything is a representation of the same two elements, even one human.

Darkness was a wrong doing, and light was the sign of greatness.

Another close-minded perspective.

The 15 year old sat down at the table for four, alone. The table was a small one, but no less rich. It was for the Fawley family to have their meals with family, and for other occassions, a larger table was set in another room, far from the smaller one.

The Fawley family lived happily in peace, were caring and protective of each other, and like every family, imperfect. Reputation, of course, was a very important thing and held high value.

A face which is to be upheld, must be done properly and flawlessly.

Karen wordlessly finished her breakfast, put down the cutlery and stood up.

Walking past the doors, she passed one look to her parents' bedroom, and then walked away. Reaching her room, Karen made sure that she had not left any item of importance outside.

She went to her bedside table and picked up a photograph from there. She smiled at the image, and after one glance, put it inside and locked her suitcase.

At 10, she called for her house-elf, and got a cup of hot coffee. Finishing the stewing, warm and thick liquid within a matter of a few minutes.

The girl rose from her seat, as she made her way to the main hall of their mansion.

She found her luggage kept there, ready. A click of her fingers and a stout, young house-elf appeared, and they headed for the Hogwarts express.

They apparated to the the platform, and unlike any other of her age would have been, Karen was quite stable during the transportation.

The platform was mostly isolated, and Karen not wanting to waste any time, got onto the train finding it to not be completely empty.

In front of her were two batchmates, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson walking ahead in the broad coriddor of the Hogwarts Express.

The duo, turned around, as they had sensed someone to be behind them.

Seeing Karen, Pansy gave a smirk,
"The Queen arrives."

"Get into any compartment, both of you. They are all the same, each one just as small as the other."

"Not Really, Fawley. I've got a nice big compartment, after all, they've got to give some space to the Slytherin Prefect." The girl said, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Ah Great, I'm going to your compartment. If you're not sharing then you can find another one for yourself." Karen said, and walked ahead, Pansy following behind her, asking her to stop.

Thirty minutes had passed, and the train which was now crowded with students had a buzz of excitement all around it.

Karen sat on the window side in a shared compartment with Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass.

She could see the crowded platform, with parents waving goodbye to their children, some leaving, some acting ugly, and a very few bidding them off sanely.

The whistle of the scarlet train rang as the clock struck 11.

The previously stationery train started to slowly gain motion, as parents and gurdians left, some siblings started to chase the train till a certain distance and then stopped.

The people started to become tinier and tinier as the train distanced, and soon became nothing.
Karen kept looking back, till everything went white, and then turned to face inside.

The War had begun.

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