Chapter 1

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Time passed, slowly and painfully, hurting and healing.

Darkness came, an inevitable force, rising from it's exile. It was wild and set loose, it was attacking with full force.

Yet another year had passed, and all that had happened was that he had become stronger. He grew stronger with every second he breathed. And again, it was just sympathy for Harry Potter that people expressed, because he lost his godfather. Everyone who suffered were ignored for him, no one cared to see what the others, younger than him and of his age were going through.

Being considered amongst the evil wasn't easy at that time. Especially when you're frustrated and hurting, when you want what's rightfully yours but are being stopped.

Karen had moved onto her sixth year at Hogwarts, and life grew tougher, for her and her friends.

The group of friends walked out of the great hall, creating small chatter between themselves. However, a few of their other friends hadn't accompanied them. And they were the only ones in the castle who knew why.

It was the first Quidditch match for Slytherin in the quidditch season that year.

Every year, this was a time Karen would look forward to, would care about, but everything had changed.

Karen sat in the Slytherin common room, a piece of parchment kept on the table and her quill drawing loopy patterns against it. The scratching of the quill could be heard across the dead silent and isolated room.

She wrote a descriptive scene of a stormy day, when two girls had a fight, and one of them was sitting outside under the roaring sky.

The water-wraith was shrieking, and each cloud had a scowl on their face, they darkened with each passing second. Nature was asking her to leave, but nothing affected her, for it was isolation she seeked. Her sobs were drowned by the howls and cries of the tempest, she would meet the raging skies, but not face her treason.

And all of a sudden, around her gathered the gale, much too strong for human hand, her insides were wailing. And yet, amidst the roar of the fast, prevailing waters, her mind desired to live and it rowed, but where a soul seeked freedom, her life existed no more.

And her other half reached the fatal shore, her fury had changed to pain and wailing. For with every shade she saw reflected, it reminded her of her other, one skeletal hand she stretched for aid, and one lay stiff beside her.

But what couldn't exist, which was long gone, had no way back. With a large wave, she came down, and became one with the ocean. Her body lay there, feet under the ground, a smile on her face, and tears right above that.

Karen's mind wandered back to her reality, to the one who was replacing her, to a powerful man. She was vicious, and he was fatal, but he was just a dark soul, and she was family. Her insides screeched in agony, as heat brimmed over her body, but her face showed no expression.

She heard a loud growling sound, and turned back. She saw in through the large glass, a giant, maroon creature with tentacles in place of legs floating there, scaring away all the smaller fish. The Giant Squid.

Karen got up and walked towards it, sitting down on the marble pavement, folding one leg and keeping the other hanging down.

"Hey there," she said with a small smile, "How are you today?" Her face held an amused expression as the squid tapped a long tentacle of his against the glass, and made a sound, a sound which could make many feel creeped out and afraid. But she wasn't amongst the many.

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