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I swiped through my gallery in search for the video. I clenched my fist as i clicked on it, not playing it. Id let tweek do the honors. Sighing, i kicked off my shoes, turning around on his bed to face him, crossing my legs. I  gently laid my phone in his lap. Tweek briefly glanced down at my phone, then back up at me, confusion written all over his face. He hesitantly picked up the phone, and pressed the play button. I looked away quickly. I didnt want to see the look on tweeks face, the heartbreak in his eyes.  Shuffling noises sounded through the speakers, soon followed by muffled moans. If you listened close enough, I think you can hear me growth at one point. The video soon ended, as I only filmed a 30-40 second video. I hesitantly looked at tweek. He looked back in my direction, but avoided eye contact. But, I could still see his face.  tears streamed down his cheeks as struggled to catch his breath. I couldn't bare seeing tweek like this. I pulled him into my lap carefully, hugging him as I rubbed call circles in his back. He weakly wrapped his arms and legs around me, laying his head on my shoulder as he sobbed. I hugged him tighter, shushing him. "Calm down tweek. You'll get through this. I'll stay here as long as you need" I whispered. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and nodded slightly, though it was hard to tell because his twitching was so bad. I scooted further into the bed, gently laying back against the pillows, tweek still in my lap. He looked up at me with red puffy eyes, opening His mouth to say something, but quickly closing it. Instead he lowered his head down on my chest, letting out a loud, broken sob. I brought one of my hands to his head, gently petting his hair and running my fingers through it. "H-h-how could b-butters do this to m-m-me" he almost yelled into my chest. I placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head, not answering. I didn't answer because I couldn't. I asked myself that same question. Tweek's phone suddenly began ringing on his nightstand, causing him to jump. The blonde began to remove his arms from around my neck, attempting to sit up. I shook my head, grabbing his arms and wrapped them back around my neck and gently pulling him back down onto my chest. "I got it" I whispered softly, looking down at him. I reached over and grabbed his phone. He nodded, sniffling as he laid his head back down onto my chest. His sobbing continued but not as loudly, his breathing slowing too. I glanced at the caller ID, a rush of anger shooting through my veins. It was Kenny. I clicked the answer icon, angrily bringing the phone to my ear.

"Tweek, hi bab-" he began cheerfully, but I cut him off before he finished his sentence. "Fuck off, McCormick." I growled, my grip tightening on the phone. I felt tweek flinch at the mention of Kenny as he began breathing heavier. I held the phone away from me, whispering a quiet apology to him. "Tucker? What the hell are you doing with tweek? Give him the fucking pho-" I clenched my teeth, bringing the phone back to my ear. "He doesn't want to talk to you" I spat, about to hang up, but smirked as I thought if something "oh," I began innocently, a smirk still on my face. "And have fun with your little boy toy, because that's all you have have now" I concluded, quickly hanging up before he could say anything else. I gently put tweeks phone back onto his nightstand, turning my attention back to him. "I didn't say anything that made you anxious, right?" I mumbled, petting his hair. He shook his head. I leaned my head against the pillows, closing my eyes. I don't know what I'm gonna do about butters, I don't think I could bring myself to punch the guy, he's a good person who got with the dude and made a bad decision. Kenny, however, is a whole new story. He knew what he was going would hurt tweek. He just didn't care, as long as he got to stick his dick in something. Oh boy,  Im gonna fuck you up, McCormick.


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