Love Again

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Thank you guys for all of the reads and supportive comments it really makes me want to keep writing :) Love you alllllll!!!


I decided to get an uber back to Noah's house because he took my truck to drive to my dad. I was so upset and so angry that i just cupped my face and silently cried in the uber.
As soon as i got home, I sat in his room, on his bed.
My hands scrunched up into fists, and i felt like punching something. I grabbed the pillow from behind me, and whipped it against the wall of his room. I took another one if his pillows, and i buried my face into it. I screamed as loud as i could into the pillow wondering why these things happen to me.
I let myself fall backward onto the bed with my hands and face in the pillows.
What if my dad hurt Noah?
What if Noah doesn't cone back?
How am i going to get home?
I knew that Chloe and her parents left the house to go out to eat, so i knew that i was the only one in this house.
I was angry at myself for feeling bad for Noah.
Why? He betrayed me.
I've thought about running away before, but never this seriously. At this point of time, i was ready to take Noah's clothes clothes and anything else i needed, and just run away as fast as i possibly could.
Then my dad wouldn't be able to find me...
I walked downstairs trying to mentally prepare myself, when i heard a small knock on the door.
I walked up to it and opened it.
Outside standing on the porch was Noah and my dad...
I stepped backwards.
I could feel myself fuming.
"Y/n. We just want to talk." my dad said reaching for my hand.
I slapped his hand away, and shut the door on them. I locked it, and slid down on the door crying into my elbow.
"Y/n! Please let me in. I just want to talk to you." My dad said calmly.
"No. I cant." i said coldly.
"Y/n... I thought that we trusted each other. You know that i would never do anything to purposefully hurt you.." I heard Noah's small voice say.
I looked through the door window, and saw that my dad was crying.
I have never seen him cry before.
I was torn on how to react.
"I do trust you, i don't trust him." i said loud and clear.
"Please..." i heard Noah say.
I looked through the window and saw Noah trying to calm my dad down.
Second chances..
I hated myself for it, but i slowly opened the door.
I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, and looked at Noah not daring to make eye contact with that foul man.
I stood there looking at him. My face said it all.
"Just give him a chance." Noah said.
I walked over to the kitchen counter expecting them to follow me.
"Do you want your chance or not?" i spat.
They looked at each other and walked over. Noah sat next to me, and my dad sat a few chairs away keeping his distance.
Noah started.
"Listen. This is a lot to take in at once, and i want you to try to understand as much as you can." he said sounding very serious.
I nodded, and turned to face my dad. We finally made eye contact, and he was not angry at all. He looked quite happy and understanding.
It made me feel a bit better.
My dad took a deep breath and started talking.
"Your mother and i. We have never really been fit for each other. I want you to know that i never treated her terribly, or did anything seriously wrong.
I apologize for lying to you.
Your mother was having an affair with another man after we got married. She knew, and i knew that you loved her with your whole heart, so we chose not to tell you.
She didn't love me anymore, and it broke my heart of course. I didn't want her to break your heart too to go live with the man of her dreams and leave you behind. I decided to play the fake role of the bad guy and leave her first and take you with me.
I didn't want you to think she was a monster.
And one last thing, your mom.
She is alive.
It was wrong of me to lie to you all of these years, i was just scared that you would run off and try to find her.
I am sorry that i snapped at the both of you at the hospital, i was just tired of not being loved and respected. Of being misunderstood. I guess it took a toll on me.
If you don't want to forgive me, that is okay. I don't expect you to. But if you do find it in your heart that you can, please." He explained.
I felt my heart drop. There were so many emotions i was feeling and i didn't know how to react all at once. I just needed a few minutes to fully take it in.
I could tell that he wasn't lying. My dad has never been so serious about anything before.
I got up out of my seat, and walked upstairs. I heard foot steps from behind me, and i turned to see Noah following me.
I walked into his room, and he came too. We sat next to each other on the bed in silence.
I turned to face him after a good 8 minutes of peaceful silence.
"Im sorry Noah. I should've listened to you. It was stupid of me. I got so caught up in my feelings, that i didn't think of anyone but myself. I didn't think of you, or my dad in particular." I said.
"I know its hard. Taking all of this in. But i promise you that he isn't lying. I don't think your dad is a bad guy, Y/n. He really cares about you, and this is hard for him too." Noah said.
"You really have a heart of gold, Noah." I said looking him in the eye.
He smiled, and took my hand.
"I think i am ready to apologize now... Im ready to take it all in... Love my dad again." I said taking a deep breath in.
He smiled, and we walked downstairs together.

Ok so first i just wanted to say that, this story will have absolutely NO suicidal thoughts, actions, or anything like that. Its my opinion, but i don't think reading about it is healthy. Im sorry if you were expecting any of that, but i will never do it.
Anyway, thanks for all of your support, it really means a lot!
Love ya!!

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