Chapter 2: Half the Day is Done

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(Tina the Tiger had to make a new series about mythical creatures like vampire and werewolf all going to a school!!! Well at least mine has fairies and cat fauna and angels and the the original Daycare crew like Shark and Sabre- I mean New Chapter!)

Chapter 2: Half the Day is Done

Vampire Ryan's P.O.V.

I walked to my first period, Monster History with Unicorn Mann. The teacher was giving us a 2 person project explaining the origins of vampires, and I got paired with her... Collins, that werewolf rich girl who goes by "Cookie". "Why am I paired with Collins? We don't get together very much." "Cookie!" She yipped at me, I sighed and glared at her. "Miss Collins has not been doing well in class so I pared you two up since it's vampire origins." 

The teacher said and she went to get papers "Plus this will be a bonding exercise for you two." The teacher mumbled, making Unicorn Mann crack a smile. I tried to glare at him, but when you see him smile you have to grin. It's one reason he likes wearing a bandana, his smile is extremely contagious. "Unicorn Mann, if you have something to say please share with the class." The teacher said, Unicorn Mann calmed down and shook his head. We heard the next bell for second period, I grabbed my bags and left. 

Second Period was Advance Algebra, nothing special happened since we were just reviewing work and old concepts we learned in middle school. I continued to draw after I did finished the assignment, until the teacher called my name after getting a phone call. "Yes Ms. Ley?" "You are going to the School's Theatre Room, I never took you as the theatre type..." I blushed slightly and went to the Theatre Room with my stuff, the room was quite large with rows of seats and a large stage on taking up one third of the room. It was more like an actual theatre, but this had cheaper tickets and was apart of the school. 

We were doing an original play called "Love Isn't a Myth", just a regular love story set in the 1920s. Goldy and Unicorn Mann don't know that I do drama, but I'm pretty sure the have suspicions. The story was like Romeo and Juliet but with gangs, criminals, the mafia, music and rap battles. (Who's ready for a song written by me?) I got on the stage and rehearsed my lines, I was picked to be the male lead role Thomas Williams. I had 19 scenes, 3 solos, and a rap battle. We were finishing the Act 1 finally, with the lead female's solo song. If I'm being honest... The female lead was very attractive, her name was Lizzy and she was a Cat Fauna. She was an A student, very intelligent, but was caring and she put other before herself. 

There was only one reason why I never ask her out, she was one of the popular girls. I learned to find love in your ranking or below. Like how Unicorn Mann and Goldy are a couple, they just don't know it. Goldy was well known for her pranks on school staff and students while Unicorn Mann is known for funding and being the head of all the clubs leaders. They have similar ranking, and they enjoy each other's company, so they are most likely be a couple. I don't know where I stand in the rankings, I'm probably a regular person. We finished second period and had to go to the dinning area, or you can be like me and eat in the P.E. Field. I saw Unicorn Mann and Goldy so I sat near them.

Werewolf Cookie's P.O.V.

After second period with my frustration at my History and Potions Teachers, I went to find my friends. I saw them walking towards the P.E. Field, so I joined them. "Why do you always talk with Ryan and stuff?" Tina, a zombie like her bother, said in anger. "That's a secret." Lizzy said with a slight blush, oh don't tell me she fallen for the dolt! "So the subject is boys?" I asked and Kat, a cat fauna, nodded. "Why are you in love with Ryan again?" I asked, Tina sighed. "He is handsome, smart, kind, strong-" "And he's a vampire." I said blankly. "I know! And you know why that's a bonus?" "He has a 87% chance of being royalty, vampire origins come from the ruler Vlad III, mostly known as Dracula the Empaler. It's basic Vampire Origins." Lizzy said, Tina was nodding. "Well I'm failing history so I am paired with Ryan on the project." "You got paired with a vampire on Vampire Origins?" Kat said confused, Lizzy jaw dropped. "The teacher is just giving you an A! Ryan is an all A student who is also a vampire." Lizzy was going on ranting about how lucky I am. "Wait... So Cookie is going to Ryan's house?" Tina asked, we all stayed silent. "Hey Collins-" We all jumped when we heard the voice of Ryan. "Cookie!" I yipped, seeing a slight smile on the vampire's face. "Since we are partners on the vampire project, I was thinking if we could go to my house over the weekend." "Sure." I said, I heard yelling behind me. "WE BEEN YOUR BEST FRIENDS LONGER THAN HER AND SHE IS ALLOWED TO GO TO YOUR HOUSE?!?!" "Goldy calm down!" The purple Sautyr and yellow Fairy, I'm guessing they're friends of Ryan, were having an argument. "Sorry about them, so you're free Saturday?" "Yup." "Great! I'll give you the address!" He said and left. I smiled until something popped in my mind. "Wait... Did Ryan just ask me out?"

(Well at least I can't be copyrighted because chapter 1 came out October 29. BYE-BYE!)

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