why am i the way that i am?
why do i think the way that i do?
why am i hopeless falling for someone
that i barely know
that i'm not sure is going to take the leap
that i'm not sure is worth falling forand yet i sit and think of the smile
the one that warms my heart and
makes it melt like a forgotten
chocolate bar in the pocket of a 5-year-old
that resembles the color of his eyeschocolate
deep brown and smooth
warmth and comfort
showing me my own reflection
so i watch myself stare longing
for something other than a laugh with himlonging for a drive
cold air and warm hands
comfort as he sits next to me
slow lo-if music bumps through the speakers
however this is but a dreamlonging for a sunrise
low light and bright smiles
his laugh fills my soul like a sweet melodylonging for an answer
why am i the way that i am?
why do i think the way i do?
why am i hopelessly falling
for him?