F•R•I•E•N•D•S or N•O•T

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Hayden: annie what's her name
Annie: Zoey Grace Leblanc why?
Hayden: o-oh
Annie: Hayden.. I'm kidding her name is Zoey Grace Summerall *laughs*
Hayden: *smiles* Thank you
Annie: for what
Hayden:giving her my last name
Annie: hayden... Shes your daughter too
*they look into each others eyes*
Annie: do you wanna hold her
Hayden: I don't think she-
Annie: common Hayden
Hayden: *looks at zoey* ok fine
•annie picks zoey up and places her in Hayden's arms•
Zoey: *smiles*
Hayden: h-hi
Zoey: osuegevsn
Hayden: she's so pretty
Annie: yeah ik she looks more like you than me
Zoey: *cries*
Hayden: *worried* what's wrong is she ok
Annie: hayden calm down shes fine shes probly just hungry
Hayden: ok..
Annie: I'm going to go make her bottle I'll be back
Hayden: ok
*annie leaves*
Hayden: looks like its just me and you kiddo
Zoey: *makes baby noises*
Hayden: i love you and your mom so much I regret ever  leaving y'all
Zoey: *baby noises*
Annie: I'm back *gives the bottle to zoey and feeds her*
Hayden: that was fast
Annie: well you kinda have to be fast unless you want a screaming baby *laughs*
Hayden: annie did you get any sleep last night you look like your dead
Annie: hayden im fine
*hears the doorbell ring *
Annie: I'll get it
Hayden: no I will you go and get some sleep *still holding zoey*
Annie: ok thank you hay
Hayden: your welcome
*goes downstairs to open the door*
Hayden: hello?
Katie: oh hey Summerall your back
Hayden: uh yeah, why you here
Katie: I'm here for revenge, for annie leaving when we were little and quit gymnastics
Hayden: Katie get over yourself that was years ago can't you grow up
Katie: watch your back Summeralls
Hayden: don't you dare touch my girls
*closes the door and goes upstairs to check on Annie*
Hayden: ann's you okay
Annie: yeah who was it
Hayden: it was uh *Sighs* katie
Annie: my mom is she here??
Hayden: no Ann's it was katie D.
Annie: oh what does she want
Hayden: she said she wants revenge from you and to watch your back but nothings going to happen because I'm here now and no one is going to. touch you or zoey ok
Annie: ok thanks hayden *falls asleep*
Hayden: your so cute *kisses her head*

Sorry it took forever to get this written and up because I had doctors appointments all week anyways thank you sm for reading

Word count : 420

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