im back....

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[the next morning]

Annie POV
I woke up with strong arms wrapped around my waist I knew it was hayden so I turned around and started playing with his curly hair until he woke up

A: good morning
H: good morning, how did you sleep
A: good
Z: *burts threw the door and jumps on the bed* good morning
A: well someone woke up in a good mood *sits up*
Z: im always in a good mood
H: good morning baby
Z: good morning daddy, do you work today
H: yeah but only for 3 hours
A: well let's go get you ready for gym
Z: yayyyy
*Annie gets Zoey ready for gymnastics once they got there Annie saw someone she thought she wouldn't see everything again

Hey guys sorry I haven't been active its just that I've gone back to school and its frustrating but I won't let that stop me so new chapter tomorrow stay tuned

Word count : 162

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