Chapter two - "LOVE" the weird crazy feeling.

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[a/n]: Hey loves, I'm sorry about the subtitles.. I'll just edit them later... cuz i cant think of a good one yet. xD 


I entered my room and changed my clothes. 

I'm gunna make a confession... 

When Harry was with me, do you ever feel something i dont know, LIGHT? 

Its not fangirling or having ovaries exploading or having butterflies in your stomach, it's different. 

It's like ya know, I have a... uhhhmm... a.... i cant find the word Im looking for.... 

I have like a "LOVE" feeling for him. 

That "Love feeling" isn't what you are thinking off. 

I have this Light feeling with him like I love him but not as a boy and a girl.. ya know what I mean.. but sumthing like Love in a different way... 

Love... like... a ... 



Urghh! Maybe I'm overreacting. 

Harry can't be my brother. 

Maybe I would have a brother by now if I wasn't separated with my real parents. 

Idk? Maybe I just feel that he might know my brother or somewhat maybe look like him that's why I feel this way. 

Hmmm. What are the odds? 


I grabbed my phone and I received a text. 

"Hmmm. Unknown number. I wonder who could they be?" I whispered. 

The text says: 

"Hello luv. Please come outside. I have something very important to tell you. -Harry xx" 

Harry? How did he get my number? 

Oh I remember.....


Harry?! What are you doing here?! Did you followed me?! I asked raising my voice.

"Can I please have your number first?" He said. 


"I said can I please have your number? I'll explain later. Okaaaay?" He said. 

And then I gave him my number, which is really WEIRD. O.o  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

 I went downstairs. Mom and twins are nowhere in sight. 

I saw Harry standing in front of his hair. His curly locks are showing. Aww. So cute. 

I opened it and I saw Harry... buuuttttttt.. 

he was....

he wasss... 

He was holdingg.. 

a bouquet of flowers and chocolates. 


"Hey Harry, what's up?" I asked. 

"Uhmm.. the sky?" He said. 

 Really ?! I know that the sky is up. Psh.  -_______________________________- 

"What do you want?!" I replied angrily. Cuz I was a little pissed about his sarcasm. 

I'm sorry, if he's just here to joke around he better leave, cuz I'm gunna plan how to spend my short vacation. 

"I'm sorry." He replied bowing down his head.

He must have been ashamed of his answer a while ago. 

He should be! 

Then when I saw him with his head looking down, I felt that feeling again. 

Ya know, not BUTTERFLIES nor EXPLOADING OVARIES but that "LIGHT" Feeling.. 

It's like I feel I'M FLYING because of that "LIGHT" feeling. 

"Th-these are for you." He said as he reached me the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates. 

O.o FOR ME?! 


"F-for me?" I asked. 

He just nodded and smile. 

"Why?" I asked. 

Yea.. I'm a questionnaire. 

"I told you already... I LIKE YOU." He said. 

..............Brain loading................ 

...............still loading................

.................still loading................. 

....................still loading.....................   WOW ! YOU MUST BE SO DUMB! 


..............brain completely loaded...................... 


"And I was wondering. *ehem*" 

"If you would like to.. uhmm. go out with me?" He continued. 


1234567890 seconds later.... 

O.o  + :O 

"Please go out with me! pleaseeeee?" He said as he knelt down the street and begged me with matching puppy eyes. 

Uhhhmm.. WHAT WILL I DO?!

"Okay!" I said. 

WHUTT did I just say?! I swear, I wasn't supposed to say that. That came out of nowhere. Maybe my mouth has its own brain. OMGG! 

I really don't like to go out with him .. cuz... i really don't "LOVE" him.. 

That "Love" Feeling is the Love feeling of a boy and a girl this time. 


Harry immediately stood up and held my hands. 

"Thank you love! I promise, you won't regret it."  He said and hugged me. 

"Oh ! Pick you up at 8." He said and winked at me and bade goodbye. 


I feel like a user. :\ 


[a/n]: Hello luvs. This is just a short chapter. Sorry about that.. 

I just want to make the story longer so thats why I'm making the chapters short. 

Anyways, Please VOTE, COMMENT & FAN

Luff youuuuuuuuuuu! :) xx

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