0: Prologue

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"Cal, I can't do this anymore." she sighed quietly into the phone.

"W-what?" I managed to stammer out. I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Sonny couldn't do this to me. We had to make this work for the baby - our baby. Why was she suddenly giving up like this? Was it something I said?

"It's just...I can't keep sitting at home by myself waiting for you to come back and be with me when I need you now," she told me, sniffing a little bit. Shit, was she crying? "This baby is coming at any moment and you're not here and you're probably still banging girls left and right. And don't say that's not true because I was one of them at one point."

I wasn't planning on saying she was wrong - we agreed to make the relationship work that there would be zero lies between us and I stood by that. Sonny had originally been just a groupie that I had called up every time I landed in LA, which meant I called her up a lot. Not only was she good in bed, but she was easy to talk to afterwards. She always made food after sex, which was a huge bonus for me. I just really enjoyed her company and it took me a few visits to LA to realize she was more than just a groupie to me. But when we were on our way back to LA for another visit for writing and such, I had called up Sonny and she ended up telling me she was pregnant and that I was the only person she'd had sex with in the passed three months. She wanted to wait for me to come back to tell me but I was just taking too long - three months too long, apparently. I'd asked her out that night and we'd been together ever since.

Now she was at nine months and our bouncing baby something was coming soon. Sonny wanted to wait to find out the gender and I was completely fine with that. We'd tossed names around but we'd never actually settled on anything completely. We were toying with names like Elijah Jackson Hood or Emilia Rian Hood but now I guess the last name was out the window.

"Please, Sonny, just wait a few more days and I promise I'll be back and I'll be there for you when you have this baby and we can have it together," I begged, talking so fast I wasn't even sure she could understand me. "Please, I'm begging you. Sonny, you know I love you and I want this baby to have both of it's parents and I want it to grow up happy and-"

"Oh, fuck!" she hissed before making loud groaning noises.

My eyebrows scrunched together. "What? Sonny? Are you alright?"

"Shiiiiiiit," she moaned, breathing loudly. "I think I'm having a contraction. Fuck, Calum, I think the baby's coming!"

My eyes widened and I could feel myself losing my grip on my phone. I grabbed it with my other hand too before standing from my bed and walking to the door of my room. I had to get on a plane to LA now. "Stay calm and get your sister. I'll be there as soon as I can, I promise. I'll be in LA in a couple hours, I swear. I'll do whatever I have to do to get there and be there for this; be there for you. I love you Sonny, I'll see you soon."

Her words before the line went dead honestly surprised me. "I love you too, Cal."

I fumbled around with my phone, trying to get it into my pocket with my shaking hands while I opened the door to the living room. The boys were sitting on the couch watching some TV show that I didn't care about. None of them even looked at me when I entered.

"We need to get to LA now." I stated, rushing around the room to gather things so we could leave. Wait, why did it matter? We could get someone to clean up our stuff and return it to us later. We needed to get out of here now.

"Whoa, Calum, slow down," Ashton chuckled. "What's the rush, Flash?"

I stopped picking up clothing items and just let them drop back to the ground as I looked at them. "The baby's coming."

Their eyes widened as well. Without even looking at them, Ashton began planning everything out. "Luke, call us a cab. I'll call management to explain. Michael and Cal can gather up as much as you can and pack it up."

Luke went off into the kitchen while Ashton stood and strode off down the hall, both with phones in hand. Michael joined me behind the couch, picking up the clothes I dropped. He smiled over at me, "You're going to be a dad."





short and kinda lame rn but it'll get better i promise. and the story will actually be in third person instead of first. idk i wrote this in first but when i went to write the other chapters they came out in third and i think it's bc of the book i've been reading lately idk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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