Chapter 1

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The Royal tour was something that was sort of required of the Udaku's, by T'Challa and the council in order to ensure that Wakanda was no longer an isolationist country

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The Royal tour was something that was sort of required of the Udaku's, by T'Challa and the council in order to ensure that Wakanda was no longer an isolationist country. T'Challa took the initiative and began it after announcing to the world that Wakanda would help  as it saw fit.

After meeting you, marrying you, and having children with you-his number one concern was to raise a healthy and happy family. But he soon saw the effects of postponing the tours and felt obligated to visit a few countries. T'Challa confided in you his concerns and wanted to get back out there but didn't want to leave you with two children: a 5 year old and an 11 year old.

"How about we all go? It would be nice for Mala to see what she has to look forward to, years from now and Abdul and I could use a little sightseeing." He liked the idea but didn't know how safe that would be. "I don't know, kitten. You and the children's safety is my top priority."

Caressing his cheek, you smiled "We will be fine. We'l make sure the team does a double security sweep."
After being a bit reluctant, he saw your point and arrangements were made and the Udaku family was off to Spain for the first stop. 

"Baba, I have been working on my Spanish." Mala said proudly. T'Challa smiled at the young beauty, "Great, princess. ¿Estás emocionado?"

She nodded, "Muy, no puedo esperar! Pero estoy cansado en este momento." She yawned and snuggled into his side. 

"Bueno, descansa entonces mi amor." He kissed her forehead and smiled.
The jet glided in the air, the motion making you and everyone else drift off to sleep.

Upon getting off the jet in Ecuador, the Milaje and additional security helped you all into the waiting SUV and drove ahead to the hotel to do additional security check

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Upon getting off the jet in Ecuador, the Milaje and additional security helped you all into the waiting SUV and drove ahead to the hotel to do additional security check. 


You looked down at Abdul. "When can we go to the pool?"

"Later baby, we have a few stops . First we work and then we can play."

The tour started in Peru and then you all made your way to Ecuador. Shaking hands with politicians, providing aid, volunteering, and supporting the opening of schools in underdeveloped areas were just a small fraction of what the tour consisted of.
Of course it wasn't as easy with children but you managed. Entertaining them along the way and making promises of impromptu movie nights and fun in the pool is what kept them going.

A few briefings for the next day from the King's assistant provided to be useful. "You all will be in Cuenca at the Town Hall. We will take a tour of the building and then for PR purposes, King T'Challa will shake hands with the Mayor after he gives a small speech to the crowd. It should be brief, no more than an hour and you will make your exit." T'Challa yawned and pulled you into him, "Okay. Thank you Kione."

The man bowed and headed out to his own hotel room. "Do you think we can squeeze in a little adult time before going to bed?"

You let out a loud laugh, "As much as I want to baby, I am exhausted and you should be too!" 

He shook his head, "I am never too exhausted for you, kitten."  His mouth sucked at your earlobe, making you moan. 

"Maybe we can squeeze it in."

The next morning you both had a hard time waking up, "My King and Queen, we must get going." Okoye stood outside the door, trying to alert you of how close you both were to being tardy.

"Fuck, we gotta dress the kids." You stretched and hopped out of bed, making your children were your number one priority before showering and putting on your black and gold attire.

Surprised that you all made it to the town hall just in time, the family got a quick tour of the beautiful building.
The eroded marble gave the Town Hall a beautiful aged look, something that could only be described as timeless. 

"Look Mama!" Mala enjoyed the murals on the ceiling and walls while Abdul admired the statues.

"I am so sorry to cut the tour short but we all should be heading outside." The guide for the trip said.
T'Challa paused and looked at you all, "What's wrong, babe?"

He shook his head, "N-nothing." 

He could hear the growing crowd outside, "Just stay close, okay?"
You smiled, "Of course."

With Malaika holding her father's hand and Abdul holding yours, you all stepped out of the building to greet the anxious and somewhat rowdy crowd. You all wore matching attire to represent the Gold Tribe, and to represent Wakanda in general.

"Wave Mala." T'Challa said, pointing to the crowd. Like the little princess she was, she waved to the crowd and even blew a few kisses. Abdul shied away from the attention and asked to be picked up. You usually would scold him for his behavior but instead you budge and lifted him up.

The cool air was unsettling and something didn't feel right but you ignored the feeling in your gut and paid attention to Marcelo Cabrera, the Mayor, who had a few words.

Okoye, Ayo, and the surrounding Milaje observed the scene in front of them, making sure no harm came to the Royal family. "Mama, I'm tired." Abdul whined in your ear. 

"Shhh. It'll be over soon."
Mala was too busy waving at the cameras and T'Challa tugged on her hand all while trying to listen to the mayor. Your arms grew numb from hold your son, so you rested him on his feet and whispered in his ear, "We're almost done, sweetheart."

Suddenly a man in the crowd screamed, "¡Muerte a los Reales!" Okoye growled and made her way into the crowd, "Death to the royals?" Mala looked up at you with fear in her eyes. 

"Ayo, take them inside." T'Challa commanded and then a loud bang filled the air. His panther instincts alerted him of the immediate danger you were in as the bullet came hurtling toward your chest. Pushing Mala down and running to you, he jumped in the way of the initial target and fell to the ground.

"NO!" You shrieked.
"BABA!" Mala cried and tried to run forward to him but Ayo yanked her back, "Take him!" You gave your crying son to Ayo and ran forward. "T'Challa!"

Tears clouded your vision as you reached forward, pressing on the wound. The Milaje took to the crowd, immediately searching for the assailant.
"Your Majesty-"You looked up at Kali, your other personal guard. "We have to go."
"NO! I'm not leaving him." You moved back to let the medical staff take him on the gurney,
"I can't and I won't leave my husband."
She nodded, "And I won't leave you."
Jumping in the ambulance, you held onto T'Challa's cold and seemingly lifeless hand. "Baby, stay with me. Okay?"

"Él entra y sale!"

You cried, "Fight kumkani! Please!"
His glassy eyes made contact with you one more time before darkness consumed him.
A  heartbreaking sob escaped your lips as you watched him take what you were sure was his final breath, "NOOOOO!"

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