Chapter 12

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Marcus POV

Ana is starting to get some backbone and it is annoying. She is realizing her worth and I imagine she is going to try and end things with me. I see her dancing with a man she called Taylor, who interrupted my punishment for her back talking me, for which I am grateful because it would have caused a big issue and she had too many defenders in this area. Better to do this when we get back to Detroit where she is more isolated. I talk with a dirty girl who is offering me hot dirty sex in the bushes, when I see Ana dancing with Christian. They look to be having an intense conversation that ended with him brushing her lips with his. Now I don't care for her, I plan on dumping her but she will not make a fool of me. I take the slut up on her offer for a quickie, then go back to Ana.

Ana is finishing eating her dinner when I brush her shoulder "I think it's time we go back to the hotel my dear". She looks at me, dread fills her features and she nods. We head out to the rental and I stay quiet the entire way there. It's not until we get to the hotel do I  let it go. "What the fuck was that Ana? Kissing Christian making a fool out of me"? She looks at me "I didn't kiss him, he kissed me plus you made a fool of yourself fucking that whore in the bushes. We could all hear you, it was disgusting and people were looking at me with pity". I slap her face "You have no right to comment on who I fuck. You are to remain faithful to me at all times". I punch her ribs push her onto the floor and kick her ass and thighs. I hate doing this, but she needs to learn her place. I leave the hotel and go to the bar.

There I run into none other than Christian Grey. I nod and he walks over to me and says "Marcus Matthews right? We went to Harvard together for a couple of years"? I nod "Yes we did, also I applied at Grey House when I finished college". He nods "I remember, you were applying for a position I needed an experienced person for. But I remember countering with an advertising position". I nod and it's true but pride wouldn't allow me to accept because I was better than that. "That's true, but it wasn't my area of expertise, I was better suited for the international sales representative". He chuckles "It's nice you thought so, you didn't speak the languages nor had the experience". I am getting pissed now "Christian you took the ideals I had for a company and stole it from me. You made billions while I had to go to a family business that was boring as fuck". He shrugs "You needed to work your way up. I started the company with myself and 3 other people doing everything ourselves. I can go into any department and run it. Pride isn't a good bedfellow in business". I chuckle "That is true but your ex certainly is. She is such a dirty little slut. Don't know why you divorced her, although her tendency to disobedience could be a good reason". I see him tighten his hand on the glass ye was holding. "I refuse to discuss Anastasia with you Marcus. She is not apart of this". "Oh but she is Christian. Since you took my love, my passion from me, I took your ex and defiled her thoroughly. How did it feel seeing her filled with my child"? He is getting pissed "What are you doing? Your using Anastasia to get back at me? How does that work"?

I look at him like he is stupid "She still loves you, but she's with me. She will be my wife shortly and I will control her fortune and companies. I will find a way to get Grey House from you and you will be on the street". He laughs at me "Good luck with that. Ana is much smarter than you think. It's called a prenup for a reason". I smirk "Nope no prenup, we love each other". He looks at me "You think that she wouldn't protect her interests in another way? She was married to me, if anything our marriage was an education. You won't get one damn dime. I know her". He walks away and I go to the room and question Ana.

She was asleep when I entered the room "What have you done Ana"? She looks at me confused "What are you talking about"? I continue hard "I won't sign a prenup, so what have you done? How do you think you'll protect yourself"? She shakes her head "Your drunk and crazy. I need sleep". I grab her "Tell me". "No this is my business, not yours. Now let me sleep". I go to her suitcase and shove her shit inside, knowing my shit was packed already. "Get up get dressed we are leaving now". She sighs "Marcus I have a breakfast to go to tomorrow. Go to sleep". I slap her face "Get the fuck up and let's go". I leave the room to stop myself from punishing her further.

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