Chapter 9

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Since that time in my office and coffee house, Marcus has proved he is truly a sex addict. He needs to have sex multiple times a day to even be slightly satisfied. Despite my statement of no more sex in my office or workplace, he dismissed it like it was a pesky fly. He comes to my office a few times a week, stays most of the day naked and fucking me senseless. Even during that special time of the month, he didn't care, he needed to be sated. Since this has happened I have tried pulling away, it's too much to fast but he doesn't like that response. After a while I have also noticed he doesn't use protection. He flipped when I mentioned it, lost it completely when he found the pill in my medicine cabinet. He got rid of it and stated he liked it natural.

Shortly after we began having sex, I introduced him to Teddy and let's just say they don't like each other. Marcus goes out of his way to ignore Teddy and Teddy goes out of his way to annoy Marcus. I need to address this because I can't be with someone my kid doesn't get along with. I decide to take Marcus to a coffee house to discuss the issues. "Marcus we need to talk about how you are with Teddy. Its becoming an issue. Do you hate kids"? He sighs "Its not that I am just not comfortable with him. Plus he seems to hate me". I groan "Of course he does, you are not making an effort to know him". He nudges closer to me "Ana you need to let things progress naturally. Now come here and let me at my kitty". I move away and push his hands away. "Sex is not the answer. Please listen to me, I need you to make more of an effort, or this will have to stop". As I am getting upset I get nauseous and rush to the bathroom to throw up. Marcus follows me into the bathroom, "Ana what's wrong"? I shudder "I don't know Marcus, I felt sick and took care of business. What do you think"? He chuckles ruefully "Damn bitchy much? Sure your not pregnant"? I look at him in shock then turn to be sick again. As I finish I look at him with disdain "God I hope not". As I said this Marcus looks at me with shock "What, you don't want my child, yet you'll have Christian Grey's"? I look at him and see pettiness "First off I was married when I got pregnant, second we aren't sure this relationship is going to last. You don't get along with Teddy, you don't seem to like kids. Why would I have it then"? He softens his look "Baby I didn't mean it like that. I love kids and the idea we could have one together makes me smile. My hope is that, we too, get married and be a family". I get up and rinse "Look I'm not feeling well, I'm going home. We can talk about this another time". He nods and goes to follow me home, I put my hand up and shake my head "I'm going home alone, I need time". He sighs and looks beyond pissed but agrees to my demands. I make sure he doesn't follow me to the drug store so I check his suspicions.

I go home and take the test, hoping he is wrong and I'm coming down with something. This is why I wanted birth control, as I look at my watch it has been 5 minutes. I flip the test over and tears come into my eyes. A big pink plus sign is staring at me. I am pregnant unwed and unsure of the relationship. I call and schedule an appointment to find out for certain and go from there.

I got in a couple of days later, the doctor took urine when I told the nurse what I suspected. The doctor comes in with an ultrasound machine and my hopes were dashed. "Ms Steele it looks like your pregnant again. Congratulations, let see how far along you are". I was sitting in a gown so I lay down, bend my knees and feel her use the internal probe to see my uterus. I look at the screen and see, just like Teddy a little blip living inside me. "You look to be about 9 weeks or so, still too young for a heartbeat, but it looks good". I sigh and look away "How long until I am unable to terminate"? She looks at me stunned, so I continue "This wasn't planned, the relationship isn't good and this would be an additional complication I don't need right now". She touches my shoulder "I understand and don't judge. You have a week or so before I will not do it, my own personal preference". I nod "Can we schedule for this Friday, since it's Monday it gives me time and I can have the weekend to heal". She nods and informs the nurse as I get ready to leave. "If you change your mind, please let me know". I nod and leave the office. I put the appointment in my phone and as I do I get a call from Marcus. I answer "Hello Marcus what's up"? He sighs "Your serious about this aren't you"? I think back and wonder "What do you mean"? He sounds angry "You are seriously going to terminate your pregnancy without even talking to me"? I shudder at this "How do you even know where I and or my appointments"? He chuckles dryly "I synced your calendar to mine, so as soon as you entered the appointment, I knew". I am shocked "What the hell? This is my business, we aren't married and even if we were it isn't your business". "Ana meet me at my place and we can talk about this. It's my baby too". I sigh it's true it's his too "Fine but I can't stay too long".

I drive to his house a feeling of dread coming over me. I don't want to argue about this, it's not right for me now, but he is right it's his child too. He answers the door and I go and sit on his couch. He sits on the coffee table in front of me and sighs "Were you even going to tell me"? I sigh "No I wasn't because this is my body. It's my choice Marcus, please respect that". He gets beyond angry "Ana I see us together forever, making this mistake will haunt you forever". "But Marcus I don't see it as a mistake. It's not the right time, it's just not right. This is why I was on birth control or wanted condoms. I didn't want this"! He roars "So only Christian Grey is good enough to get you pregnant for you to keep and raise. Is that right"? As he says this he slaps my face. I raise my hand in shock "What the hell Marcus? Why did you do that"? He ignores me and punches my ribs and back making me cry out. "You will carry my child and we will get married and live happily ever after". I'm lying on the floor and he kicks me near my butt, around my thighs and I moan because it hurts. "Ana I'm glad you've decided we should move in together, and build a life together". I groan as he places a ring on my finger, grabs a suitcase and lifts me to his car. We drive back to my place where he carries me to my room. "Ana you just need to listen to me, or I will hurt Teddy. He is a product of that monster and I know it will hurt you. I love you and you love me. We will be happy. But you don't listen, you will be taught a lesson like tonight? Do you understand my love"? I nod knowing that I have no choice, Teddy is my priority, myself and this baby are insignificant to Teddy. I'm hoping in time I will figure a way out.

5 months later

I am at the end of my second trimester and I feel horrible. This pregnancy hasn't been an easy one, nor has Marcus changed one bit. He is just as abusive and threatening as before. I still get hit every now and then when I don't obey, but I don't tolerate his bossiness in my job. Lexi has reached out, but because of everything I have not responded as often, though we are both attending Elliot and Kate's wedding in a few days. Kate asked me to be her bridesmaid and I hesitantly agreed. Marcus, of course will come with me, as I can not be trusted to go alone. Teddy will stay with Mrs Johnston and the guards, while myself and Marcus alone will go to Seattle for a few days. Since Marcus 'moved in' the household has changed. He has taken over, making my staff fear him, despise him and wish he was gone. They haven't witnessed him abusing me, he makes sure that is in private. Also he has decided not to have sex with me any longer, thank goodness. He has started seeing his assistant Rebecca, no surprise there. I confronted him and let's say I almost had to go to the hospital. So I decided it wasn't important. I had an attorney come to my office, to draw up a prenup and he lost it. Refused to sign and stated everything that was mine was his. I then switched everything into Carrick's name as a guardian for Teddy should anything happen to me, I have no fortune, it's all Teddy's. Marcus doesn't know even the business is in Teddy's name now. I just have this fear something bad will happen soon.

As we leave for the wedding, I try to collect myself to play the dutiful friend and girlfriend in front of everyone, but hoping for a way to get Marcus away from me. We arrive in Seattle, having rented a car we drive to our hotel room. Kate knows I've arrived as I texted her after we landed. She was coming by to show me my dress and have it fit to me seeing as I am a whale. An hour after we get here Kate arrives with a seamstress in toe. Marcus left a few minutes before Kate arrived and we had girl time. "Ana long time no talk, what's been going on? You've distanced yourself from Lexi, you hardly email me anymore, I am surprised you agreed to be my bridesmaid". I sigh and sit with a thud "Kate it has been extremely hectic. Running a business, keeping up with a toddler and a new relationship as well as a surprise pregnancy. Its just a lot and I have to rely on me". She looks at me funny "Doesn't Marcus help at all"? I realized what I said and wanted to slap myself "Of course but Teddy is my sole responsibility. I'm just having a hard pregnancy and its just been easier to isolate than work on communications". She nods as there is a knock on the door. Kate answers and smiles as I see Lexi enter the room. By the look on her face I am in deep trouble. Shit, how am I going to keep the truth from her, she hates Marcus and wouldn't believe anything positive I say about him, not that there is any truthfully.

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