No. Chapter Seven

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Short update.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS, YOU CAN'T." I screamed as Summer brought a knife across my sisters throat, as she let a ghostly scream, blood gushing down her graceful neck.

I felt a rough pain in my heart, as her body fell limp to the floor.

"NO." I screamed at Summer, as she stabbed the knife through my sisters chest, she gasped, as her eyes slowly shut.

"Don't. Piss. Me. Off." She said slowly, as tears poured down my face, stining every little cut and scrape.

All hatred went through my body, as I started lashing out in the chains, I felt the chains cut through my body like I was thin paper, blood started pouring out of my bullet wound, as white pain shot throughout my body, it was so bad that I felt light headed.

Suddenly out of nowhere there was another gunshot.


I couldn't tell if I was shot, but I think I was because I started blacking out into the dark.

Before I fully lost it all, there was a whisper.

"Hold on baby."

Everything faded away, and went white.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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