Biggest netball fan

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Your sister is the first year of highschool and is about to play her first match in the netball team for her year, you'd begged Ashton to come and sit with you as your parents are both away on business.

"You have to protect me from my old teachers," you laugh as you and your sister climb into Ashton's car.

"But you're a good girl," He smiles, giving you a kiss as you do your seatbelt up.

"Ew, get a room," Your sister makes a vomitng noise in the backseat.

As you take your seat on one of the benches beside the court your old PE teacher walks up to you, "Hello Y/N, I haven't seen you for a while, how have you been?" she asks.

"Um, I've been great thanks," you awkwardly reply, seeing as you tried to skip all of your lessons with her, she never liked you.

"I take it you haven't done much exercise since your days here, not that you did much here anyway," she laughs a little.

"Actually, we're active members of a tennis club about two hours away from here, and we also go jogging every morning, it really does wake us up in the mornings," Ashton lies, you keep a straight face and just nod in agreement.

"Wow, that's pretty um, impressive, you must be Y/N's boyfriend?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm Ashton," he smiles sweetly, as if he hadn't just told the funniest lie ever.

"It's nice to meet you, I've got to start the match now so, it was nice seeing you again Y/N," she walks off and you and Ash burst out laughing.

During the match Ashton turns into the biggest netball fan ever, cheering every time your sister gets the ball or her team scores.

"YES!" He jumps up when your sister scores the last net of the match. You jump up with him, you're the only people who are really taking much note of the match as most parents haven't bothered to turn up.

The match finishes with your sister's team losing, she walks off court shuffling in your old trainers towards you two.

"Here she is!" Ashton yells, opening his arms wide towards her, "Girl of the match, star player!" he shouts, making her frown disappear and a broad smile take it's place.

"You played so well," you smile, joining in the three-person hug. 

Ashton carries her on his shoulders as you walk back to his car with smiles on all of your faces.


"Do I have to play a match?" you ask your PE teacher as you stand awkwardly in your borrowed netball kit.

"Yes, your in the team as part of extra credit, we barely have enough players as it is so you'll have to play," your coach tells you.

"I can't exactly play though," you say, you'd been forced to an extra-curricular activity because your grades aren't the best. It was either join the prom committee or join the netball team and you definitely didn't want to be part of anything that involved being positive.

"I know, just stay out of the way," he says, shaking his head.

You walk onto court with your 'team', (that happened to be filled with self-obsessed barbies who all hate you) to see your boyfriend Michael sitting with a pizza box open on his lap at the side of the court.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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