What Would You Like For Christmas? 🎄

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Starting December, Kevin was impersonating Santa Claus at the Gotham Mall. On one day in December he was at the mall wearing the Santa Claus outfit. It featured the fat suit, white beard, white wig, and the suit of course. He used the same cartoony jolly voice. He was by those "Visit Santa" booths sitting on a throne, greeting children, and taking photos. Barbara was in the mall with some friends. She needed some free time and she said to go out and have some fun with Frankie and Dinah. Babs glanced at the booth as she smiled at it, thinking it was cute. Both Dinah and Frankie dragged her into the store adjacent from the booth. Kevin was talking to a little girl who was sitting on his lap. "And what's your name little girl?" Kevin asked in his Santa voice. The girl was holding a Pinkie Pie plushie. "My name is Abigail," she said. "Abigail, what a pretty name," complimented Kevin, "have you been good this year?" Abigail giggled and said, "Yes Mr. Claus."

"What would you like for Christmas, Abigail?" Kevin asked. "I want the My Little Pony playset," she said, "it features Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity."

"That's a very detailed list Abby," said Kevin, "I'll see to it my little helpers can do that for you Abby." She smiled happily and hugged Kevin. Babs and Dinah were both looking at the booth to pick out clothes. "That's so cute, isn't it?" Dinah exclaimed. "Yeah... I feel like I know the guy playing Santa... But with the beard and the fat suit I don't know if I can place features from this distance," said Barbara, and she looked at the man, then she turned back to the clothes. The photographers took their photos of Santa and Abigail, and Kevin did his best Santa laugh, going, "Ho, ho, ho!" The only thing that was even remotely recognizable was his dark blue eyes.

"I can't see much either. Once we're done here we can go see if you recognize him," said Dinah as she went to check another rack of clothing. Frankie walked out of the dressing room with a green dress and Babs turned around to look at her. "You look fantastic, Frankie," complimented Barbara as she smiled at her, grabbing a brown jacket. "What do you guys think?" she asked and Dinah put her thumb sideways as if to say eh... "I saw another one similar to that on the rack in the front," she told her and Babs went to check it out. Coincidentally, she had a slightly better view of Kevin. After a few more minutes of posing and talking to children, the people running the booth told Kevin he could go to lunch. Kevin stood up and eyed Barbara. He smiled, seeing her. Once he smiled, Barbara immediately recognized him. "Frankie, Di, I'll be right back," she said leaving the jacket she had chosen in Dinah's arms, and walking over to Kevin. She waved at him. Kevin waved back. He pointed at the little house he used to change into costumes, indicating that he was going to change into his regular clothes and talk to her. She nodded and waited for him to walk out. Babs looked rather casual in jeans and a long-sleeve top. Her hair was tied up and she wore glasses, not unlike her usual style. Kevin went inside and took off the Santa costume, and got into some more regular clothes. He opened the door and asked, "Is it safe to come out?"

"Yeah. There aren't any kids looking, Kevin." Barbara whispered with a small smile. Kevin got out in his regular clothes and shut the door behind him. "Hey Babs," he said, smiling, "funny seeing you here." Barbara tightened her ponytail and asked, "Hi Kev... Funny why?" Kevin got out of the booth and said, "Well, it's a pleasant surprise, that's all."

"I'll say. It's sweet that you're doing that for those kids," she told him, admiring his generosity, "I'm just shopping with some friends though."

"I figured it'd be fun," said Kevin, "and are you having fun?"

"Yeah, Dinah and Frankie are always a blast," she chuckled and tucked her hands into her jean pockets. "Well I'm on my lunch break," said Kevin, "you hungry?"

"A little bit. I'll tell the girls I'm going to go eat," she told him and made her way to the store. "Sounds good," said Kevin as he patiently waited for her. Barbara walked over to her friends Frankie and Dinah. Frankie smirked and looked around and spotted Kevin along with Dinah. They both looked at each other and pushed her out, Barbara rolling her eyes. "They cool with it?" asked Kevin as he looked at them. Then he looked at Barbara. "Well if they're smiling and smirking at me, they're okay with it," she chuckled. "Well that's good," said Kevin, "where to Babs? We got tons of options."

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