|Chapter Thirteen|Finale|

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Shortly after Ivar had left for his pre-matrimony ritual; the thralls had arrived to run Kendra a bath. The bath had been explained to Kendra as being symbolic, the washing away of the bachelorhood and childness of the couple. Elwin had gone with Ivar, looking forward to watching on and helping where he could. Kendra stepped in to water, asking any questions about the day she may need to know. The thralls washing her down and helping her get dressed.

"This would be when we tell you what you would need to know about men" one thrall stated. Kendra laughing.

"However, you do well with Ivar it would seem you know more than us" another thrall smiled.

"well thank you! I think Ivar does equally well with me" Kendra replied, getting nods from the thralls.

"He used to seem such a handful, unlovable in a way" the first thrall stated.

"He used to scare most of us thralls daily, but now we see a softer side. he's almost pleasant to work with" The second thrall added as they smiled. Kendra taking their words in, feeling thankful for how she hadn't seen one of Ivar's rages for so long, still mindful that it could appear.

Kendra stepped into her dress, the thralls tying it up at the back, the white fabric hanging freely, the black and red representing Ivar's banners subtle.

"it's beautiful Kendra" the thralls gushed.

"We would never have known you had made it yourself" they cheered. Kendra looking into the mirror and smiling, sitting down in a chair, letting the thralls work her hair. Opting for a more Viking braids than the loose English braids she opted for.

Looking at herself one last time, the thralls attaching the flower crown to her head. Reaching for her box with the sword sent over from England, embellished with family jewels was still safe, keeping it beside her until she received word for to take her leave.


Ivar had been sat in the tub, enjoying the feel of the water surrounding him. His thoughts drifting off to Kendra, how they would make their union before his gods, who had slowly become their gods.

"So, brother, are you looking forward to the ceremony?" Hvitserk asked Ivar, the brothers their as part of the bathing ritual.

"I am, are you looking forward to Ubbe thrashing you at the games again?" Ivar asked, the brothers laughing.

"There are games?" Elwin asked as she passed Ivar a towel to dry himself, as he gently eased himself out of the tub.

"Yes, there are games" Ivar hesitated "more of a course" he explained, giving Elwin a smile.

"Can I Join?" Elwin asked, Ivar's face dropping.

"Unfortunately, you and I can't race in the games. Our legs will not let us" Ivar gave Elwin a smile as he nodded.

"Maybe one day" Elwin smiled back, sitting on the floor listening to the brothers.

"Well you have successfully been bathed of your bachelorhood Ivar" Ubbe joked, ruffling his hair.

"We do not need to explain about the marital night... full away you know how that works" Hvitserk added with a laugh, their crude jokes surpassing Elwin as he looked confused at them. Ivar laughed and nodded, settling down on their chair and drying himself off. Slipping his tunic over his head, and his leather breaches up his legs.

"Can my hair be braided like yours again?" Elwin asked excitedly as he admired Ivar in his wedding tunic.

"You've become quite the Viking with your looks Elwin" Ubbe stated in a laugh, sitting Elwin on his.

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