Final Chapter

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Well Guys? This is It!


It was the day of the Halloween party and Beca was beyond nervous. She could be stuck in this body forever or she finally can be her old self again, it's all in the hands of Chloe now.

Chloe admitted she liked Beca a day ago and that was a big problem because now she'd never kiss Aiden. Unless Beca came up with a big plan to actually win her over by telling her she was Beca all the time and hopefully convince her.


There was a knock on the door and Beca quickly answered, relieved to see that Jesse arrived.

"Jesse,i don't know what to do." Beca took his hand and pulled him in before closing the door. "I have no idea how to get back to normal, Chloe admitted she liked me, i mean Beca yesterday and now i don't know how to get her to kiss me." Beca paced around the room while Jesse slowly took a seat in her desk chair.

"Well, convince her you are Beca, as simple as that." Jesse suggested.

"And how am i supposed to do that?" Beca questioned, still pacing around.

"You tell her about the times you and her had together, that no one else knows, only the two of you." Jesse answered.

Beca finally stopped and smirked as she thought about the time Chloe barged into her shower at the beginning of her year at BU.

"You'll be at the party, right?" Beca asked as she faced Jesse.

"Yeah, i'll be somewhere around."

"Great, i'm going to need your help." Beca smiled and formed a plan in her mind. "I think we form a great team." Beca smirked as she stood in front of the mirror in her dorm room in her batman costume.

"I look like i'm a mix between mardi gras and The Joker." Jesse sighed as he put his Joker wig tighter.

"That's just The Joker, now ready to go?" Beca asked as she grabbed her batman skateboard and handed Jesse a purple one.

"Yeah, but you never told me your plan for tonight." Jesse answered as they walked down the hall.

"Well, i'm going to convince Chloe i'm Beca and if she doesn't believe me i'm going to sing one of our songs and you are singing it with me." Beca explained.

"Okay, which song?"

Beca didn't answer with words, just with a smirk. They arrived at the amphitheater where the party is taking place. Every other A Capella group has already arrived and some other students and the theater was filled with lights, music and people in costumes dancing to it.

They stood on the tail of their skateboard and watched the crowd. "Do you see Chloe anywhere?" Beca asked as she scanned the crowd for the redhead.

"Umh,there." Jesse pointed towards Aubrey and Chloe who were setting up the music equipment Beca needed for the song she was going to play.

"Okay, wish me luck." Beca took a deep breath and put her left foot on the front of her skateboard and started skating, she grinds over a couple of stone benches to go to a clear path where she could skate down the path towards Chloe.

As she was a couple of meters away from Chloe she did a power slide and stopped right in front of Chloe who looked amazed and scared with the thought Aiden would crash into her but anyways.

"Wow, i didn't know you could skate." Chloe smiled.

"Chloe, i'm batman." Beca said in a low voice, making Chloe giggle.

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