Sleep Habits - Steve Rogers

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Ana stands off to the side, watching Steve storm around the training room with a scowl on his face and barking out commands to the new trainees. One poor guy looks ready to cry when Steve goes in on him for messing up and accidently hurting one of the other trainees. Of course the guy needed to be corrected, but Steve took it a little too far. That is when Ana decided enough was enough and stepped in.

"Captain Rogers, I think that is enough training for today."

"Agent..." Steve growls at her

Ana narrows her eyes, arms crossed over her chest, "Captain."

Steve's jaw clenched, pissed that she was trying to give him orders. His hands ball up at his sides and he storms out of the training room.

Ana gives a sigh, shaking her head, "Dismissed. Training will resume tomorrow."

She follows Steve, trying to catch up with him before he gets too far ahead of her.

"Steve! Steve! Stop!" Ana yells as she sees him heading to the elevator. "What the hell was that?!"

Steve only crosses his arms, leaning back on the elevator railing and glares at the doors. He has no interest in having Ana this close to him right now. Every nerve is on end and he is ready to explode at the smallest thing. He had hoped that some heavy training would help, but that seemed to make things worse since Ana was also there, with some of the other trainees.

Observing Steve closely, Ana notices something that she has originally been missing,

"You're not sleeping are you?" asks though she knows the answer.

His head snaps around, eyes going wide, "What are you talking about?"

"I did not realize it sooner, but it makes since. The issue focusing and you have been a little forgetful, being really moody, complaining of headaches, tension. Then there are the dark circles under your eyes, pale, slightly red eyes. Frankly you look like shit and everyone is afraid to breath in your direction in case you snap and bite someone's head off. When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?"

Steve puffs out a tired sigh, "The last mission we were on together."

His answer in honest, knowing she would not drop the issue until he tells her the truth.

The next thing he knows, Ana is slapping him on the chest, "Steve! That was almost 3 weeks ago! Why did you not say anything sooner? You cannot keep doing this to yourself! You go to your room and shower, I am going to shower and change and then I am going to come to your room."


The elevator doors open, and Ana gets off, "Just do as I say Captain. It is time you start taking orders from others."

No more than 20 minutes pass before Ana is showing up at his door wearing a pair of short sleep short and a tank top. It is easy to see that she is not wearing a bra under her shirt. Steve feels his face heat up. She even had some food with her,

"What's that?"

"Some left overs. I heated it up while I was in the shower and I figured you would want to eat and then we are going to lay down and sleep. Eat."

She forces the food into his hands and takes a seat at one of the chairs in his room to eat her own food."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ana questions.

He just shrugs.

"Is it stress? Dreams? Both? What?"

Again he just shrugs. She can feel herself becoming irritated with him and she is ready to just deck him.

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