This Goes Both Ways - Steve Rogers

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"So, how you holding up with Ana being gone these past few days? And still have about another week to go. Must suck huh? Girlfriend gone, sleeping alone, and no boob to hold on to." Sam nudges Steve as they meet up in the gym.

"Shut up Sam." the super soldier grumbles, heading right for the punching bags.

"What? It's kind of cute. Not sure it is a story you tell your kids in the future. I mean, interesting story for sure, just not sure kids want to know Mommy and Daddy got together because Daddy needed to cuddle Mommy's boob like a stuffed toy."

Sam continues to tease Steve, not noticing how Steve becomes more aggressive to the punching bag.

"Ana and I are not together. We are not dating. We are just..."

He pauses, stopping his movements to consider his words. He is trying to find the best way to explain is relationship with Ana. They had no labels, never really went on a date, and the most they have done together is sleep. Ana is always there for him; after a rough mission or just a bad day, always there to take care of him. But when it it comes to him trying to care for her, she shuts him out and shuts down. He wants to take care of her, treat her right and show her she means more to him than just as "safety boob." But Ana just will not let him. So no matter how much he wants more if she does not want more then he will accept that.

With a sigh, Steve turns to Sam, "We are just friends Sam, nothing more."

Sam can hear the disappointment is Steve's voice at his confession.

"But you want more than just friendship, right?"

Steve shrugs, returning to hitting the bag, doubling his force behind each hit. He remains silent, taking frustrations out on the bag.

"I am going to take you silence as a yes. Have you tried talking to her? See if she wants the same things."

"No point. She has never shown any interest in anything more than what we have. I would just be happy if she would allow me to take care of her instead of thinking she can handle everything on her own."

Sam snickers, "Gee, that sound like someone else I know. Wonder who that could be?"

Shooting the other male a glare, Steve growls, "Shut up Sam."

Sam barks out a laugh and is about to mess with Steve some more when FRIDAY's voice comes through,

"Captain Rogers, Miss Ana has returned and she appears to be in some form of distress. Her heart rate and blood pressure are elevated..."

Steve does not hear the rest of what the AI has to say before he is rushing out of the gym and heading straight for Ana. He skips trying to elevator and goes right for the stairs, his agility coming in handy to get down the stairs quicker. Worry fills him at what could be wrong, she was not supposed to be back for another week. What could have happened to make her come back early? Why didn't she call him to let him know? He needs to know what could be causing her to be upset; he needs to know how to help her.

Making it to her to her room in record time, Steve lets himself in and finds Ana in the middle of her bed. She has her face buried in her hands, and he can clearly see her body shaking,

"Ana," he breathes out her name.

Crawling onto the bed behind the woman, Steve pulls her into his lap, cradling her close to him. He has no idea what to say to possibly help her, so he just holds her. Ana's head resting on his shoulder, he smoothes out her hair and rocks her gently trying to calm her crying. When Ana doesn't begin to calm, he gets an idea and decides to test his idea to see if it would work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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