help me taylor

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                                                           - - Demis POV - -


                                                         Oh crap the he is my ex nick and he coming my way why just why why why and why " hey Demi " " dont talk to me Nick '' '' why are u being such a bitch '' why are u here Nick u are suppose to be in jail '' they let me out '' no someone got u out of jail so dont lie '' '' ok fine your right hey im sorry i hurt u and became a drunk i want u back please Demi '' '' Nick im sorry but i have a boyfriend '' '' not for long '' '' what do u mean '' '' this '' he grabed me and kidnapped me oh i wish i had taylor or sam or the cops

                                                               - - taylors POV  - -

                                                               i got a text from Demi she wanted to go to the dog park with lily she said to meet her so i got ready when i got there i waited for that lasted 2 hours and when i was leaving i saw a dog that look like lily so i went up to the lady that had the dog that looked like lily '' um may i please see that dog '' um ya here '' i saw it and it said lily on the name tag '' um thats my dog '' oh im sorry here i just saw it and this phone do u know whos this it '' that Demi but why is her phone and lily runing around oh no i think she was kidnapped '' um yeah thats my sisters '' oh here u go and again im so sorry '' no problem how old are u '' 17 well im turning 18 tomorrow '' cool wanna hang out sometime '' ya im allison but u can call me alli '' ok allli um can i have ur number '' um yeah here '' thanks i may not be able to hang tomorrow '' why i mean u dont have to tell me '' '' um i think my girlfried got kidnapped '' oh my god maybe i can help '' yeah i have to call her bother ''                            


hey guy so i start school tomorrow and i put my imagines book on hold cuz i need time with stuff and my sister want to know if i can read her hayes grier fan fic her user is taylorswiftfan10111 so thats all for to day

kik : magcon_taylorsgurl

instagram: magcon_o2lforlife

twitter: magcon_o2l12

if u want a a requst for a imagines please kik me or dms me thanks bye bye

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