i strolled to lunch adn twyped down the staurs. "ughy wughy" i whishpered satanicly.bylie gets chased me down the stairs with a knife. bReh ?? lmaooo. i was walking to lunk from froggy bois class and saw the lunth lad clipping her toenails in MY asian noodle.... DISGUSTANG. thats right, i shanpped. she screamed "YOUR BORKE!so i took rith krispyr twet and RANNED! she was like u cant do that bbut whateves. max said "he has herp for mango jule pards" and the teachers cried of happiness.dominic pan steamed my farm and took a cutie ass picky with his ugly ass tongue and then he tried to kill himself again. its harp werk.
donar lauvulite sent an email to LILWORM saying 'This is the rudesy email ive evry gootnen?!' how culd u say that" i was confuzzled as i was just asking why she put in travis queef-salamanders grade in my gradebonk. i love donna tho for a real one!. nathan haines-underwaer said to me "you loook like kosh jeith" i sprintedhome like usain bolt and bawled mea eyes out. "i cunt belive som1 would say that" anyway, i sat at homw and watched german terror book.I ascked ema to cum over and she said, im out of jewel pards thoo. so i told her she cant come over and then she made a spam post ab me.
i opened my snerpchert and dercirded to ask bridgeybridgey for the crystal meth homework. she said sure and sent me pics of her fert! yes! i scbeenshored this pieces for later ;) gang gang got the hammer and the wrench! i screamed to the mr lean when he asked "eVerythiNg ok in There?" the jewel cwakled and i got spoopef! geepers creepers. the lunch today was chicken and fries, but i'm notbsure the chicken was vv good becaus it was 48 shades of gray. i was so gittery too duh eye because i could see lunk ladé. bye booze.
after lunk i wented back to histoyr. Then to Benglish. I saw maxipoo and he said.."'"""'hi"""''
Maxipoo declaired, "***ly's having snek time" *chuckles softly* she was mukbanging on her boogies (boogbang) so ya! Mr. Berschtch talked abot cora andn eziran and i thot those were prit names gang lmafo. he said, "briget u crrossed the finich lin' i giggled and ran to my next class which was autistic! i ser evirnator and asked her to take me to get perds. she said no so i punced her in the nose. so fReSh! rUBIIII punched me the jawe. j got clapped tbh.