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— hey🖤
what do you want harry? —

— why so cold:((
— i need u to fix my computer again.

if you want me to fix your computer then put
some clothes on and then ill think about it. —

— what the fuck?!!
— what have i done, your always so mean to
me for NO reason?!

... —

— please louiss!!
— i need to finish my assignment for tomorrow!!!!

fuck sakes —
will you shut up if i come fix the stupid this —

— yes uwu

fine. —
be over in 20 —


louis would never admit it, even though its more than obvious he is still very much whipped by harry.

they had dated for about a year and a half, the sex was good and they hit each other up for booty calls from time to time but recently louis has been wanting to break away from harry completely and find someone else.

as much as louis loves harry its not healthy to be with the lad, bless him he dose try but he just isnt good at relationships.

louis was the one to break the relationship off, much to harrys upset and tantrum before louis shut him up with a quick fuck then left back to his own flat.

receiving messages from harry where hes come up with some bullshit excuse to get into louis pants is normally their only interactions besides liking each others instagram posts. louis cant really complain though he dose the same when his tinder dates dont go to plan or hes had a smoke and starts to feel extra horny he knows harry will always come over and give him some good head.

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