Chapter 2

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<Y/n p.o.v.>

When we went inside we saw a lot of students.

"HEY, RUBY, I SAVED YOU A SPOT" A blonde haired girl shouted.

"Well, nice meeting you guys, see ya after the ceremony" Ruby said as she left.

Jaune woke up.

"Hey buddy, you ok" Ika asked.

" head...WAIT, WHERE ARE WE" Jaune asked.

"The ceremony, I had to carry you with us, otherwise you would've gotten left behind, and that would suck on the first day" Ika said as he placed Jaune down.

"Well, thank you, mind if I stay with you guys for a while" Jaune asked.

We both nodded.

"YOU" A girl shouted.

We turned to it's source.

It was Weiss.


"Oh my god you really exploded" The blonde girl next to Ruby said.

"It was an accident....IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" Ruby said.

Weiss pulled out a small pamphlet...dust for dummies?

"What's this" Ruby asked.

"The Schnee dust company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schneedustcompanyproductalthoughnotmandatorytheschneefamilyhighlyencouragesthecustomerstoreadandfamiliarisewiththiseasytofollowthatdoesapplicationsandpracticesinthefield" Weiss said really fast.

Ika was just as confused as me.

"Uhh" Ruby said.

"You really want to start making things up to me" Weiss asked.

"Absolutely" Ruby said.

Weiss gave her the pamphlet.

"Read this and don't ever speak to me again" Weiss said.

"Look sounds like you two got off on the wrong foot, why don't you two start over and try to be friends" The blonde one asked.

"Oh, great idea sis, hello Weiss, I'm Ruby...wanna hang out, maybe go shopping for school supplies" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys like tall blonde and...scraggly over there" Weiss said sarcastically as she pointed to Jaune.

Jaune looked up.

"Wow really" Ruby asked happily.

"No" Weiss said rather coldly.

The ceremony started.


We were all in a giant building, we had to sleep here for the night, tomorrow we had initiation.

"So Y/n, any idea as to who's team you're going to be on" Ika asked.

"Nah man, maybe I'll be with you, maybe another team, who knows, if we do go into different or the same team as each other and we're with other people....don't kill them" I said.

He chuckled.

"I'll try" He said.

I chuckled too.

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