Chapter Nine

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***This chapter isn't very exciting. I already have the ending written so I'm trying to wrap this up. Sorry!***


Chapter Nine

Lauren's POV

I stood at the karate dojo watching a group of kids do a kata that I recently taught them. My sensei was out of town all week so I was in charge of all the classes. "Good, good. Alright one more time guys." I watched as they started again. I remembered when first started out here. I enjoyed teaching so much although because of my stitches I couldn't actually do a lot of the moves they were doing but I could do some of them. They finished and I clapped. "Ok water break, take five minutes guys then meet me back  here." I told them and they dispersed. I hear the dojo door open and my face lit up as I saw who walked in. "Scott! Mitch! Hey!" I cheered walking over to them and  giving them each a big hug. I had asked them to come today after the last episode at their apartment. I figured I could teach them basic self defense stuff and they seemed to be into it. "Well come over here and join the group I said motioning to the group of teenagers that had lined back up. They looked a little nervous but slowly walked over to the group. "Guys these are my  friends Scott and Mitch. Since they're here were going to go over some basic self defense stuff. Now most of you know this stuff but we do have a few newer people so those of you who already know could you please help the people who don't know out." I said and they nodded. I began to show basic ways to defend against different kinds of attacks. Mitch and Scott listened intently watching my every move. "Sam and uhh Brian could you come help me please." I motioned for the two brown belts to come up front. I wasn't able to fully show certain moves so I needed them to demnstrate. They began to demonstrate the moves as directed. Once they were done I walked in front of the group. "Ok I'm going to pair you guys up, lower ranked belts with higher ranks so you can learn from them. Brian will you work with Scott please and Sam with Mitch?" The boys nodded and took the two off to the side while I partnered the rest of the class up. I walked around watching the groups do blocks and take downs. I also taught them how to get out of certain holds. I mainly wanted Scott and Mitch to be able to away if I wasn't around them when Alex showed up again. I stopped and watched Mitch take his partner down. "Great Mitch! I'm impressed!" He smiled at me and then went back to learning from Sam. I walked over to watch Scott get out of Brians hold. He struggled a little and looked frustrated. " want to use your elbow and right here is a pressure point." I showed him on Brian who winced at my grip. Scott smiled and nodded. They tried it once more and Scott did it perfecty. "Awesome! Great job Scott!" I was very pleased with them. "Ok guy's great job. Next week we'll do stripe testing and then after that is belt testing so make sure you know your katas!" I dismissed them and then walked over to Mitch and Scott. "So what did you think? You feel more powerful?" I asked them. 

"A little but I still don't know if I'd be able to do it in a real fight." Scot admitted.

"Yeah same here. But I do feel kinda cool, I mean did you see me take him down?" Mitch smiled ear to ear. I laughed. "You guys did great and no one expects you to get it right away. It takes time to build up courage but I have faith in both of you." I hugged them but pulled away when I forgot about my side. I got a stabbing pain once again and groaned silently. "I'm ok guys..." I said when they both eyed me. Scott shook his head at me but said nothing. I just smiled to show them I was serious. "So movie night still?" I asked changing the subject. 

"Yeah Scott and I will be over after rehearsal." Mitch said and smiled.

"Great! Can't wait!" I waved goodbye as they walked out the door. I was very proud of them for coming to learn, and I was more than excited to teach them! I waved to the last of the class to leave and then locked up the dojo.

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