(part 2) chapter 7

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As the crowd of students leave the white haired boy and brown eyed girl turn to greet you both, I don't know who these two are but I like em already if they even had any sort of decency to help me and Yuno. "Hi I'm Hinata Hino and this here is Aru Akise." Hinata points a thumb at the ruby eyed boy, he holds out a hand with an eerily sweet smile "Nice to meet you two, but call me Akise please." reaching out to shake Akise's hand Yuno stops you.

Looking up Yuno was glaring at Akise cautiously "(Y/N) I don't think we can trust either of them. They just give me really bad vibes." Hinata bends her knees and tilts her head at you "Are you guys just going to leave Aru hangin? I know it seems weird, two complete strangers come out from nowhere and help you but me and Aru are going through the same thing as you." she stands back up and approaches you with a huge bright smile on "Me and Aru are gay too."

Yuno's hold on you loosens a little "Well then maybe Yuno shouldn't be staring at Akise then." Hinata laughs and pulls out her phone "She doesn't need to worry about me trying to get with you either." showing you her wallpaper it was her and a light purple haired girl kissing her cheek "Her names Mao Nonosaka a super kind and gentle girl who I'd be totally lost without. Oh and speak of the devil."

Hinata points down the hall to a light purple haired girl running down the hall waving to her. Running straight into Hinata she hugs her "Hinata why are you always getting yourself into trouble?" returning the hug with a hand she apologizes as Mao starts lecturing her. Turning back to Akise he was now backed up against the lockers with Yuno aggressively questioning him.

Oh no, the beast has been unleashed. You walk over to Yuno and pull her off of the ruby eyed boy "Yuno love it's okay, if he's what he says he is then he'll have no romantic interest in me whatsoever." keeping her glare she tears herself away from Akise.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) something about this guy just doesn't feel right." tilting your head you, Yuno, Akise, Hinata, and Mao walk out of the school. Apparently you all lived around the same neighborhood "So how old are you three?" Akise goes to answer but Hinata pushes past him "Well we're actually all fifteen. Coincidental I know but true." you chuckle and look over at Akise "Akise I don't know how you keep that smile all the time but I wish I had your mindset." he chuckles and scratches the back of his neck closing his eyes.

Mao walks from Hinata and past Yuno "Why do you want Akise's mindset?" looking over Mao you stare at Yuno "Love is it alright if I tell er?" she stares at Mao and nods "Thanks love. Well Hinata and Akise probably saw but I don't exactly have the most... lets say stable of feelings."

You roll up your sleeve and almost immediately she takes your hand holding it tightly "So that's why Hinata and Akise where helping you two." you nod and take your hand back and walk over to Yuno hugging her arm, she looks down and smiles gently "I won't tell you why I did this to myself but I will say that if it weren't for Yuno I probably wouldn't be here right now."

Mao frowns but her expression changes when Hinata jumps her from behind laughing. The three write down their numbers and addresses and you and Yuno do the same, Yuno does something unexpected "Hey Akise... I'm sorry about earlier, after what happened to (Y/N) my feeling towards men haven't exactly been friendly but I'd like t-" Akise holds a fist out still smiling "You don't need to explain, I read the report and understand why you feel the way you do."

She stares at Akise's fist and bumps it with her own handing him her number "Well since we've all gotten to know the basics of each other maybe you and Yuno could come with us to the amusement park Saturday, have some fun and forget everything bad that's happened." You stare over to Yuno and she smiles "Sure me and (Y/N) would love to go." going to an amusement park with a bunch of roller coasters that terrify the shit out of me, smooth move love.

My Psycho part 2 (Yuno Gasai x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now