(part 2) chapter 8

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A faint alarm goes off in your mind until you realized it was just the alarm on your diary, alright last day of the week then I can finally spend time with Yuno that doesn't involve me getting knocked out. You crack your eyes open just a little remembering you forgot to turn off the lights.

All your worries were washed away when you looked down to see a sleeping Yuno. deciding not to get up you reach over for your diary and play the song (Love me like you do) seeing as this was the most fitting song for the moment. Putting your arms back around Yuno you close your eyes again and listen to the song while you play back everything that happened to you in your mind, almost like an AMV.

You remember everything terrible that's happened to you, the depression and abuse as well as the self harming but for every terrible memory the ones that you've made with Yuno over the small time you've known her replace them.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" you open your eyes, Yuno was up and a bit more than worried "Morning love." she touches your face "Love your hands are cold!" she doesn't pull her hand away "(Y/N) answer my question." you sigh, I can't play any song that sounds sad around her can I? "Love I'm fine. I feel just fine, when I woke up and saw you sleeping I just couldn't help but feel the need to play this song."

She relaxes, letting her hand fall to your neck, I really want to stay like this but we ave school today. Taking a deep breath you tap Yuno's head "Love as much as I love sleeping with you and cuddling we need to get ready for school." she exhales clearly annoyed she had to get off you and away from your warm body.

You pet the top of her head "Don't fret love, after today we can do whatever we want with each other since it's the weekend after this." she gets off from on top of you and stretches "Then lets get this over with so I can go back to sleeping on top of you." you smile and nod. She runs into the bathroom and you dress. Just like you had done yesterday you both switch places and run out the door with Yuno both of you were eager to get through the day.

On the way you run into Akise who like usual didn't have much to say, that was until Hinata and Mao jumped out from some bushes scaring Yuno half to death "HAHA got you. (Y/N) did I get you at all?" putting your hands behind your head you smirk "Sorry Hinata but your going to have to try much harder than that to scare me even a little bit. But you did manage to get Yuno."

She stands behind you "Ya think." she smiles and apologizes giving Yuno a box of pocky. Hinata was running her mouth and Akise was just smiling like the usual, I still don't know how he does it. Mao taps Yuno's shoulder gently "So um well how'd you two meet if you don't mind me asking?" you hug Yuno's arm wanting to forget your father and old home she holds the side of your cheek as she explains.

"Woah for reals!? What else did he do to you?" you look at Yuno's red tie on her chest not wanting to answer "W-well he didn't just beat me but h-he also ra-... he also r-r-" Akise touches your shoulder and stares at you, his smile now gone "Whatever it was that he had done (Y/N) obviously doesn't find it to be something she wants to talk about. But if you two paid any attention the news then you'd know just about everything that's happened to her."

Hinata looks at you with sympathy "(Y/N) I'm so sorry for what's happened to you. Just for you I'll read the report, even though I find pretty much all of em boring yours'll be interesting." you clutch Yuno's shirt as you walk into the school the three say their goodbyes and all go their separate ways and you walk to class with her.

Through the day you felt fine with Yuno by your side but when PE came around you weren't listening to any of the teachers instructions at all.

All the times your father beat or raped you while you begged for him to stop all returned without Yuno there, you were feeling depressed again and having those urges. You stare at your nails and brush over one of your cut hands, you dig your nails into your skin but stop when you remember the promise you made to Yuno, I need her right now. you ask your teacher to go to the restroom which he accepts and you heading to the bathroom while texting Yuno on the way there.

My Psycho part 2 (Yuno Gasai x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now