Stranger To Myself.

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A certain blue eyed girl was pacing back and forth across her bedroom floor.

Marinette couldn't eat, sleep, or even wrap her head around what was going on. "Tikki, I don't understand. How could Chat just disappear like that?"

"I don't know Marinette. This whole situation has me confused. I mean first Adrien starts acting out of character and now Chat Noir... strange." The perplexed Kwami was trying to get her holder to understand. She needed her to know who Adrien really was if they were going to figure out what was wrong with him and how to help him. But, she couldn't betray him like that.

"D-Do you... think it was something I did?"

"What could you have possibly done?"

"I don't know..." Marinette looked down at the floor, nibbling on her lip. "Maybe he realized he doesn't like having his partner back as much as he thought he would."

"You know that's not true."

"Oh Tikki, I'm not sure I know what to believe anymore."

A slight tapping was heard from the window and Marinette turned to catch the gaze of someone with glowing, prairie green eyes. Sighing, she unlatched the lock on the window, half-heartedly allowing him to enter her room. She searched for an answer inside of her but, Marinette couldn't tell whether she was relieved or upset by his presence.

Chat Noir took a bow. "Well, good evening little lady." His face bore his signature, catty grin. He seemed... normal. "So, how are you? It feels like it's been a while since I've seen you."

Marinette stared at him, her mouth open, incredulous to the fact that Chat seemed to be ignoring the entire situation.

"...I'm fine... what about you?"

"Well you know how it is, life has its ups and downs but, everyday's an adventure. And I'm doing amazing now that I'm here with you." He spoke flirtatiously, finishing off his comment with a wink.

Marinette didn't even attempt a smile at his statement. Her eyes were laced with disbelief and utter confusion as to how ignorant he was being.

"M'lady, are you sure everything's ok-"

"A-Are you kidding me?"

"What do you me-"

"You seriously aren't going to explain to me what was going on with you at the Eiffel Tower?"


"You aren't even going to apologize for scaring me like that?!"

"Woah woah Mari," he held up his hands as his way of quieting her down. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me Chat! If you don't want to work with me anymore just say it. I can take whatever you throw at me." Marinette began to fear his answer. Could it really be true?

"Please, slow down. Now listen to me when I tell you I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"W-What?" She could discern the genuine confusion in his voice. "Chat... do you seriously not remember what happened?"

"No. Please fill me in because I can't seem to wrap my head around whatever it is I'm supposed to be in trouble for."

"Okay." Her voice evened out as she drew in a prolonged breath, hesitant to begin her relation of that night's events. "...I was searching for you all night. You'd been ignoring my calls and I was scared out of my mind trying to find you. Well, I finally spotted you atop the Eiffel Tower and... you looked... you were acting strange. You didn't answer me but, I kept trying to get through to you. To get you to listen to me. Y-You told me to leave you alone but you were the one who left, and then..."

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