Three Colors: Blue.

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The sun's rays shone through the window, illuminating the pair of heroes who had fallen asleep in each other's arms.

Chat Noir felt something tickle his nose. Swatting it away, he kept his eyes closed, wanting nothing more than to cuddle closer into his pillow.

However, the teasing sensation returned and he was too tempted not to sneak a peak at whatever was calling for his attention.

Cracking his green orbs open, the curious cat saw a piece of string swaying above his head. He swiped it away again, only for it to come closer to his face to tickle his nose once more.

This time, he used both hands to disrupt the taunting thread, but was surprised when it was pulled higher above him. He reached out again, growing more intrigued by the bemusing game.

Minutes passed before he finally had the string between his teeth and a sense of pride welled in his chest. But, he suddenly became deflated when he heard a hearty giggle from behind him. All at once he embarrassingly realized what he was doing, remembered where he was, and who he was using as a pillow.

"Silly kitty."

"Mari..." his face was a deep, red blush that burned through his mask.

Her laughs continued to come out in little, beautiful bursts.

"That... t-that wasn't nice." He stuttered out through his flustered state.

"Oh come on Chaton. I had a theory that needed to be tested and the result was very satisfying."

"Well that's not fair cause ladybugs don't have any traits I can experiment with." He pouted.

Marinette shrugged. "Love is a battlefield." She said, ruffling his hair.

"Speaking of battlefields little lady, we have to get you to the war zone that is school."

"Ugh don't remind me."

"Well those particle physics problems aren't going to solve themselves now are they?"

"Then you do them."

"Now, now princess that's not how this works."

"Hmm... if you do them for me I'll give you a kiss."

"As tempting as that offer sounds, I can't have you being late again. Come on, I'll take you there."

Lifting her into his arms, Chat Noir headed toward the school, the wind whipping through their hair. With each jump, Marinette let out a little squeak, sending a smile to Chat's heart.

"After school I'll come find you, okay? Take two of Project Earring is ago."

She giggled, clinging to his neck tighter as he made his final jump, landing in front of the school.

Setting her to the ground, Chat Noir pulled Marinette into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head before he pulled away.

"See ya soon m'lady." He whispered so only she could hear.

"I'm looking forward to it kitty."

With a bow he turned to leave, using his staff to lead him in the opposite direction.

When Marinette turned around, she was met with each of her classmates mouths opened in shock.

"Uhhhh..." Apparently Chat Noir taking her to school was much quicker than walking. If she had chosen the latter, she surely would have been late, and her classmates would not currently be gawking at her in the way they were.

With heat rising in her cheeks, the red-faced girl walked hastily toward the building and past her flabbergasted peers with her head down.

She quickly ducked into her classroom and placed her head down on her desk.

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