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March 31, 1977

Sarah was currently seated on the red love seat in the large downstairs entertainment area whilst she waited for her husband who was currently out cheating on her with her cousin.

She had introduced herself as cherry but her real name was Casandra.

It's quite sad actually because Sarah knew what he had been up to all those late nights he was out and hadn't returned home until the early hours of the morning.

Cross marking and unread assignments, more like going to clubs and getting it on.

Sarah had in fact trusted ken front the first day she saw him.

She Remembered it clearly. Way back when it was my first day of kindergarten she had fallen over trying to get to the swings, Ken had come over and fixed me up giving me one of his special 'Thunderbirds' band-aids.

So, she guessed her clumsiness had caused a lifelong friendship and love.

That all ended when she received a line wanting to be connected.

You see, Sarah worked for the government as a receiver, it was a bit like working for the ambulance.

She had recognized the line immediately as Kens and connected instantly.

Employees weren't usually supposed to listen to the calls but something deep within her like a gut feeling was telling her that she needed to listen.

Sarah was glad she did because that was the day she'd discovered the many months of his infidelity with this other women.

Sarah hadn't found out who it was until she heard that fruity fucking patooties name came out of his mouth. It was her one and only cousin.

So, whilst listening to their rather 'amazing' half hot conversation full of sex, shed uncovered the true Ken.

He was a complete fuck tart, looking for a good fuck while his wife was out making money.

He used to be sweet but now he's completely changed.

But after it was over she couldn't move, being frozen with a waterfall of tears is not something That a soon to be divorcee should be proud of.

Staring at the computer screen for a while must have done damage because everything went blurry.

A strange buzzing and the faint calling of her name were all she was able to register before everything went black.

Sarah guessed shed been taken to the hospital because that's where she'd woken up.

In an uncomfortable bed with a hospital dress on.

The smell of strereilness surrounding her making the want to puke a strong sensation in the pit of her stomach.

She'd have always hated hospitals. People die and that's just not what she was all about these days.

Sarah would rather be in a field full of fresh daisies in spring, just imagine being surrounded by the sounds of nature and all its beauty.

The sun shining and not a worry in the world.

Sarah's plan is to confront him and leave.

She wasn't even going to tell him that she was pregnant, he simply didn't deserve it.

After hearing Ken walked in something in Sarah snapped. It was like something moved.

She suddenly felt a strong urge to throw up.

She was that disgusted. Never in her life had she ever been so unhappy to see someone.

Ken didn't look bothered as he hadn't noticed Sarahs presents.

So, she decided to speak up.

"Glad you finally decided to show up" she darkly voiced, trying to sound as scary as possible.

Sarah remembered telling her mother that she hadn't gotten married and devoted herself to a man that was just going to cheat on her day after day. If that case, she would have just become a mistress or a stripper.

Would that have satisfied everyone who'd ever done her wrong?

Everyone who'd thought she wasn't good enough?

Everyone who degraded her?

"Sarah what are you doing up. You should be in bed right now" he grumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

"Welp, here I am," she remarked, rather sarcastically.

Sarah knew he was nervous or whether he was lying because he would always blink faster, almost as if something was in his eye.

"Is there something you needed my love?" he asked, stepping closer to her position on the life seat in the far corner next to a big dear head on the wall.

"Well, I think you should sit down for starters. Preferably on the seat in front of me," she said. Taking a small intake of breath as he sat, preparing herself for the worst.

"Now, I would like to start this conversation with my side of the story. I don't need your explanation for I know what your part in this is. So sit back, relax and enjoy this short speech I have prepared for you my dear" she dryly chuckled, disgust taking over her features.

Ken disable squirmed in his seat. He had no reason to of course because he wasn't the one who was know going to expose the life of his for his wrongful infidelity.

"So, I've been counting how many late nights you've had this year...124, don't you think that's a little extreme but then I thought, what could possibly be more interesting than spending time with your lovely, loyal and faithful wife. I thought that maybe you were planning some sort of surprise for me or something because that's what lovers do and I thought you had really loved me. I didn't doubt you until I had to connect your call to that girl. Oh, what's her name again?" Sarah was now seething, what was she living for anyways.

Ken looked at her, shock written all over his face.

How did she know about this?

The fact that he was now up on the spot was humiliating, he now knew he had no escape from what was to come. There was no point hiding this now.

"Cherry, oh yeah that was her name. What I want to know is, why you would cheat on your wife with someone who chooses to be called a fruit. Who the heck does that? Oh yeah, my cousin" she stated, rather humorously as if all of this was some kind of joke.

"Anyways, I would like to cut this conversation short. I already have my bags by the door. So, we'll be leaving you now" she smiled rather confidently, walking away with her head high and nothing but a look of determination on her face.

"We'll" he whispered.

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