The Boundary Between Past and the Present!

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Shades of green and yellow filled the blue sky as she looked up. The bright green carpet of grass extended below her feet till the pond which marked the end of the park. The dark wide bark and the tall trees stood there like an umbrella from the sun. The bright rays of sun brushed the leaves on the one side of the trees giving it a brighter phase. The wooden benches on the sides of the earthen walkway decorated by fallen leaves, caught her attention. She slowly waked towards the bench while hearing the dried leaves under her footsteps rather than the usual sound of her heels on the tiles.

She stood before the bench and scanned it for some space forsaken by fallen leaves. Not finding any, she planned to brush it off. Holding her hand bag and gathering the open edges of her red long coat in one hand, she leaned in to brush the leaves off the bench. Afraid of getting her hands dirty, she tried to blow those leaves off. Before she could witness the failure of her attempt, a gush of wind blew those leaves away. Satisfied by the nature's help, she took her seat on the bench smiling. Her legs rested while her eyes wandered around the park excitedly.

"Glad to be here again", she uttered softly in her nostalgia.

The last time she was here was, 'Tangled' was in theatres. She was in her second year of high school. Now, she is back as an architect and as a maid of honor in her best friend Jiwoo's wedding.

After wandering around the park, her eyes came back to the empty space beside her. A man of few words occupied the space beside her. He was in his high school uniform; his eyes were deep as he looked at her. Her heart skipped a beat at his smile. She immediately averted her gaze away to hide her bushing face. Breathing in an ample amount of oxygen, in case she went breathless, she looked beside her again. There seated the boy still smiling at her. "You are a high school boy in my memories... I want to see how you've grown up to be...", she muttered to herself. She smirked in disbelief saying, "I wished to spend time with you here... guess it stayed in my imagination..." The boy in her memories who was seated beside her, faded as the sound of her ringtone brought her back to the present time. She answered the phone holding a smile,


Sohyun-ah... (Jiwoo who was at the other end of the call sang)

Mmmm.... (Sohyun hummed in response)

Is that all you can say? (Anger was evident in her tone)

Should I ask 'How are you? It's been a long time', and put a wall between us?

You've learnt to talk... Anyway, come back to the hotel asap. It gets really cold, when it gets dark.

You've learnt to nag like a wife! (Sohyun retorted)

You've really learnt to talk... By the way... (Jiwoo hesitated to continue) We're having a reunion tonight... (she dropped her surprise)

Reunion?! (Sohyun's eyes widened)

Mmm... Since, most of our classmates are here for the wedding, we planned to have a reunion tonight...

Is everyone coming? (Nervousness and anxiety lingered in her voice rather than excitement)

I don't know. Better come early and get ready! I'll give you two hours... (Jiwoo warned)


Jiwoo hung up the phone leaving Sohyun in the middle of the conversation.

Sohyun hurried to the hotel to freshen up for the reunion. The sudden info got her off guard. But it was rather easy for her to choose among the clothes in her suitcase than in her wardrobe. She chose the knee length sheath dress. Though the dress was a formal attire with no pattern, its red wine colour and short sleeve aided by the crew neck made her look elegant. Still, she wished she had some more sets of clothes to choose from.

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