Part 1 : The Arrival

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It looked as if it were a shooting star. The sky seemed clear and peaceful, but the dropship set a blazing trail as it fell to the ground. My people were quiet as they watched.

"Are they from your world?" Kai asked. His long wavy hair seemed to hide his dark eyes as he questioned me. We stood on the rooftop of the abandoned building we called home. We squinted as the sun shined. "Do they come from your sky?" Kai was always curious of my land of origin.

"They are from the place that I have come from," I told him. I tried to hide the fear in my eyes. I worried for the people that are stepping foot on this place for the first time. Earth was harsh. The people they put on that flying piece of tin were children. Children that have been wronged, I am sure of it.

"Keep an eye on them, but stay hidden. You are not to interact with them in any way. Take 3 people with you. If you are seen, you are to abort and retreat. Cover your tracks. Make sure nobody knows of us nor where we lay," I commanded. Kai left after taking a bow. I let out a shaky sigh. If the delinquents don't cause any trouble, the other clans will.

"How can you do this?!" I yelled, "I'm your daughter! Do you not care?" My father stared back at me. Hurt was within his eyes, but he refused to look into mine. The guards dragged me away as tears flooded my face. I screamed at the top of my lungs as they strapped me down into a metal structure. I knew where I was headed. My father stood behind chancellor Jaha as my journey was explained to me. I was destined to die. As they closed the door I could see my father walk away from me. He abandoned me.

My path was not one of ease. I had gone through hell and back. As of now my people stayed within walls that we had built. They surrounded this abandoned city that I had found. I was surprised to see this many buildings survive the trials of time. They weren't skyscrapers, but they were stable. This is probably for the best for we could stay hidden. Over the years my people and I have restored this place to its former beauty. We were safe here.

I stood before my people as I tried to calm them. They were all concerned about the new intruders. My council members stood behind me as we addressed the issue. We stated that we would be discussing about the situation and keeping them informed.

Once Kai returned we were able to fully discuss the problem at hand. "There's a young man. He seems to be around my age. From what I've seen he's leading them as of now," Kai reported. I knew it was important to stay alert about this leader of theirs. The more I know about him, the more I will be able to keep my people safe. If I knew him well enough I could be able to predict his next moves, know his intentions, and how he works. "They have wristbands that track their health. It's sending information to the sky. So far it is the only connection they currently hold with their people."

"There is only 100 of them, correct?" I clarify. Kai nods as we processed the information we had received. It didn't make sense. A man our age? Only minors were to be sent on this project. "Are you sure their leader is our age?" I asked to which Kai responded with an 'I'm not sure.' "Does he have a name?" I asked. Kai was not able to achieve his name, however.

"We need to know their intentions. We must make sure they do not mean any harm," Nova said. We all nodded in agreement. A plan was arranged for us to keep an eye on them without any interaction. Night and day watches would switch shifts. A small camp-like village would be set up for the small group and whatever family they'd wish to bring. The distance measured just right in order to allow easy travel between the village, the dropship, and the city. Focus on the leader.

"I need to see them," I said. If I knew at least some of these people I might be able to help either them or my own people. "I will take the next shift," I declared.

"No. We need you safe. If there is a chance that these people know you, it could potentially cause trouble," Nova argued. I agreed but also discussed how it could possibly help the situation. Nova and I argued back and forth on the topic. "If you must go, take at least 3 guards with you!"

"Deal," I spoke. It was a long journey due to the large amount of distance between the city and the sky people. I quickly put on my cloak as Kai and I got onto our horses and made our way to the dropship.

The small daggers and knives and tubes of poison hidden on my body clanked and jingled as the horses ran along the dirt and rocks. "The sky people's base shouldn't be far," Kai said as I, along with three other warriors, followed behind him. The trees towered over us. The sky was painted with a variety of colors. It wouldn't be long before night fell upon us.

We finally got to the dropship and took our shift. We stood amongst the trees keeping a bird's eye view. We surrounded their camp as we remained hidden. I knew the night shift was much easier for I'd have the darkness on my side to remain unseen. The day shift reported that five of their people were currently attempting a journey to the other side of Mt. Weather. Knowing it would be a dangerous path, I sent two of the guards of the night shift to follow and keep an eye on them. Kai stood by me on the branch informing me of what he knew. "That one is the leader," Kai said as he gestured towards a tall man that stood in the middle of their land. He looked familiar, but I couldn't get a good look at him.

They were removing their wristbands at the moment. I watched confused. Those bands were their only means of communication with the Ark. By taking those bands off the people on the Ark would never come down. One of the people argued what I had been thinking. The leader then started a rant about how they had freedom on the ground without the people of the Ark. They could do "Whatever the hell they want." These people obviously did not know about any of the dangers this land carried.

"Wells," I whispered to Kai, "We found the rebel." Kai looked at me confused. "Not surprised he'd like the people of the sky to return. He's the ruler's kid," I stated. Kai nodded. I could understand both sides of the argument. "The leader is most-likely a most-wanted criminal. I want eyes on him at all times," I commanded to which Kai obeyed as he signalled for the other guard to focus on him.

"I could have sworn I know him," I muttered. It was as if I heard that voice, I've listened to it talk over and over, but something was different. He looked so familiar. If I could look into his eyes I might recognise him. When I finally heard his name loud and clear, everything became clear. He became clear.

I smiled at the boy as he quickly turned away. He had been staring at me while I drew on the sketchpad my dad had gotten for me. I waved at him with a grin on my face. His freckled cheeks turned scarlet at the fact that he had been caught. I walked over to where he sat. "Hi!" He giggled as my hair bounced as I basically fell down to sit in front of him. "I'm Y/N! Sorry if I'm bothering, but I noticed you kept staring at me! So I just thought I should come say hi and introduce myself in order to make a new friends soo that the next time you stare at me, it won't be as creepy," I talked fast and smiled big as he stared at me with wide eyes. "I'm Bellamy Blake. You can call me whatever the hell you want," he said with a big grin.

"Bellamy Blake," I said, shock evident in my voice as a small smile crept its way onto my face.

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