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Hermione's pov.

"move it mudblood" I hear the angry voice of Draco Malfoy mutter from behind me. I sigh, I can hear his sad little bodyguards laughing. I turn around and sure enough see crabbe and goyle.

"Shut up ferret!" I retort

I'm standing in the library queue, waiting to take out a book, he's waiting behind me with a large book in his hand. Goyle raises his eyebrows at me, and I return the gesture. "Watch your tongue you filthy mudblood my father will hear about this!" He growled.

"I'm so scared" I said sarcastically

"You should be" he replied with an angry look on his pale face.

I was about to shout a comeback at Him when the librarian came over.

"Ah miss granger another book out already? I should start charging you, I'd make a fortune!" She chuckled

I gave her a small smile as I heard draco's two oafs behind me mockingly laugh. I sighed once again.

I thanked the librarian and once I shot glares at the three slytherins behind me, I left.

"Password?" The fat lady sang

"Transfiguration" I said as the door swung open

"HERMIONE!" My bestfriend Ron Weasley shouted

I grimaced at the loudness of his voice.

"Hi mione!" My other bestfriend harry said with a slight chuckle at Ron.

"Where've you been? Oh let me guess! Library?" Ron said in an amused tone, I just nodded and started reading the book I took out about difficult potions. Snape, our teacher for potions, although my work is always correct, somehow finds the tiniest thing wrong with my potions and finds the need to tell the whole class!

I was in my fourth year at hogwarts the term had just started, today was September 17th and already we had,tonnes of homework from all teachers, I had all my homework that needed to be done, done ready for the next day whereas harry and Ron still needed to do an essay for snape and history of magic essay for professor binns.

"Uh Hermione pl-please can you help me I'm a bit confused!?" Ron stammered looking a bit sheepish, I sighed I always was helping him but I never refused I couldn't resist the way his face lights up with pride,when he does well on his homework. We spend the rest of the evening with harry and Ron doing homework and me reading occasionally helping, Until late when there are only a few people in the common room harry announced that he's going up to bed. Ron stands up, "Hermione, can we go for a little walk maybe?" He asks rather awkwardly, with his cheeks nearly as red as his hair with the amount of blushing. I was rather curious so I agreed.

We said goodbye to harry and set off careful to avoid teachers, filch, mrs Norris and students on guard, Ron grabbed my hand as he nearly tripped as we were about to turn the corner, "uh Hermione, uh, well this is a bit awkward, well uhm well, I uh kinda like you and uhm, I know where friends but uhm well-"

We rounded the corner and was cut off as we faced Malfoy and a group of four other slytherins that I knew only two of as Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass.


Hermione's jaw dropped down, in total disbelieve. what in merlins name were they doing here! The slytherin's also looked in total shock. They gawped at hermione and Ron as if they had suddenly grew wings and where doing the macerena. She was finding it hard to hold there gazes but she was a gryffindor and was not going to be intimidated by a bunch of slytherin's. Especially not draco's friends.

Hermione's pov

I knew Astoria from ancient runes, she was probably the only slytherin who took the subject. the other slytherin's burst out laughing, except from Astoria who just looked down at her shoes. Ron quickly separated our hands, which annoyed me. what? When others see us together he's going to suddenly bail on me? Where's his bravery? He's in gryffindor for merlins sake!

"What?" I demanded in a cold voice

After a loud snort pansy replied "You. Oh and the weasel. Together!" Which brought another round of laughter from all the slytherin's but Astoria, who just frowned. "Whats wrong with us being 'together'?" I asked angrily. Malfoy was next to open his big mouth

"I wouldn't go out with him if I was you, mudblood, well then again I'm not you-"

"Thank merlin" i said interrupting him, but he just went on unfazed.

"Are you sure he will be able to pay for anything?he'll take you out for dinner, stuff his face as usual and leave you with the cheque for everything!" At which the dark skin slytherin boy who she roughly remembered as Blaise zabini burst out laughing.

"Oh but do go on weasel!" Blaise added laughing

"Come on Hermione let's go" Ron huffed talking her arm and storming off with me in tow. Astoria gave me a small smile as they left.

Astoria made sure to herself that she would apologise to Hermione the next morning in runes as they were normally partners.

Rons pov

How dare they speak like that about him! If Hermione wanted to go out with him it was her choice. They didn't need to bring all that rubbish up about his family's money problems. Pff, at least his family actually loved each other that's more then he could say for any of their families!

They were already back at the fat ladies painting

"Look Hermione I'm sorry about that. Th- that was not meant to happen. B-but I-if you didn't want to go out with me I-I w-would understand" he said quietly

Hermione laughed "of course Ron I would love to go out with you!" She said with Scarlett cheeks, he grinned and it was a grin that reached his eyes, radiating love and warmth that just made her want to stay in his arms forever. He leant down and shyly kissed her cheek, they walked through the portrait hole, hands clasped together, totally oblivious to the five slytherin's hiding around the corner watching and listening to everything.


When Hermione collapsed onto her bed she was smiling so much she thought it was permanent, lavender brown-who Hermione never really talked to much- was trying to finish of her history of magic homework for professor binns, when she saw Hermione burst in with a huge grin on her face, decided to talk.

"So uh Hermione why are you so happy?" She asked cautiously with an eyebrow raised. She knew that look, it was obvious. "It's a boy isn't it!" She squealed happily. When Hermione gave a small nod she continued "who? Who? I personally think that Ronald Weasley is very hot and wouldn't mind a go on him!" She added with a wink, she didn't even notice Hermione tense in the bed and the smile wipe straight of her face, it was almost comical how fast it happened.

"Well uh I should go to bed, night" Hermione said quickly trying to fight back tears, she may not know lavender well but the thing she did know, was that lavender was truly determined, Hermione normally thought that if lavender applied that attitude to her work then she could easily be a top student, but at this moment all she could think about was Ron.


I hope you like, that took long, the dramione will not just suddenly happen, I hate it when Draco all of a sudden become gentleman and hero, it needs to be slowly and have a few arguements

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