"He found me."

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Baekhyun's pov

I stood there shocked. Did he found me? It can't be.

I ran to my room and get all of my things. I looked out the window and I saw there's so many guys with black suits guarding the apartment where I live.

I sneaked out through the back and went to get my car. Once I'm inside the car I took off immediately.

I called Kyungsoo. At this state, I don't even care if I'll end up crashing because I used the phone while driving.

"Kyungsoo he found me!" I said panicked. "What?? How??" He asked. "I don't know he slipped a note in the apartment and there's a lot of people guarding my apartment." I told him.

"Just stay away from there. Go as far as you can from there! We'll be coming there to help you." He said as I heard footsteps. He must be running.

Just then, a black car drove off right behind my car. It's chasing me. They found me.

I speed up going as fast as I can to lose them. But it's not working. It's a whole car chase thing that you'll only able to see in movies. But I can't believe that it's happening to me right now.

For 30 minutes, I've been trying to lose them for 30 minutes and it's no use at all. As I was turning for a U-turn, they crash my car and the car stopped.

I quickly got out of the car and ran off, leaving everything behind. I ran into an alley and to my bad luck it was a dead end.

I turned to run but was met with his men. They captured me and they hold me by my arms.

Just then, I saw someone who I've been running from for the past week. Park Chanyeol. He was walking towards me with a grin on his face.

"It's nice to meet you again Baekhyunee. I finally found you." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What the hell do you want from me?!!" I yelled. I seriously wanted to punch his face but I was held down by his men.

"I want you to work for me." He said as a matter of fact. "I said I don't want to. Just leave me alone!" I yelled again and he shut me up by kissing me. His lips are soft I can't help but to kiss back. But I resisted as I pushed him away.

"You will work for me no matter what Baekhyunee." He said with a smile on his face.

I cried. I tried so hard to break free from them but I'm too weak. I don't want to work for him. "I don't want to. Let me go!!" I tried to fight them once again but failed terribly.

Before I knew it, I was knocked unconscious. All I could see was darkness.

This is it, the end of my life.

505 words worth of chapter. Short update whoops! Enjoy. Ciaoo!

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