am i warming up to you?

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C: peekaboo come to my house rn

A: what do you want pedo?

C: you, i want you to come to me before i come to you . 

A: no please don't come find me.😥

C: come to me now then!

A: are you going to hurt me?

C: i'm not gonna hurt you idiot, i just want to talk to you.

A: i can't be arsed

3rd person:

Atticus get up from the park bench and walks to the apartment.

 Anxiously waiting for so called conversation they're going to have.

Christian opens the door at the third knock. "thought you couldn't be arsed stupid boy"

"well maybe i changed my mind 'StUPiD bOy" Atticus says in a mocking tone towards Christian but all he does is laughs. Atticus seems to think he's warming up to Christian. 

Atticus- 'Why am i blushing' he thinks to himself as Christian laughs at him. 

"I just wanted to apologise for how i acted towards you yesterday, i didn't mean to be so stern towards you, i'm sorry" Christian says in a sympathetic manor and maybe Atticus was a bit upset but at this moment in time he doesn't care because all he can seem to do is stare at Christian, "Atticus" Christian says to get his attention but it doesn't seem to work so he waves his hand in front of his face and Atticus snaps up at Christians tall frame. "why'd you wave your hand in my face weirdo" says Atticus and once again Christian laughs unaware that Atticus knows about the cameras and that he is genuinely calling him a weirdo. See Atticus thought he was dreaming until he found out that Sumire has already installed cameras around the apartment so all Atticus did was check the cameras and he was right, the so called dreams that Christian accused him of having where a reality..but Atticus seemed to like Christian.

Was he warming up to him?

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