Well Well Well.

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Travis woke up with a killer headache and saw Becky sitting next to him, he opened his eyes as his headache got worse and he groaned a bit. Becky started to snap her fingers to wake him up more and more.

Travis: Wha?

Becky: Get up.

Travis: What? What's going on?

Becky: Get.. up.

He got up out of bed and looked around and saw he wasn't in his room, he looked down and saw Becky with her arms crossed.

Becky: We need to talk.

Travis: I'm so confused, how did I get here?

Becky: Turn around.

She pointed to and he turned around to see he got out of Charlotte's bed. He turned back around with a shocked face.

Travis: No.

Becky: Yeah.

Travis: Follow me.

He noticed he didn't have clothes on, he put them on and they went next door to his room to talk. Becky sat on his bed as he was pacing back and forth.

Travis: No.. No.. No.. No that didn't happen.

Becky: Oh I know it happened.

Travis: How?

Becky: Hello? I was in the bed next to her's.

Travis: Well nothing happend.

Becky: Wrong again, I heard everything. And I mean everything.

Travis looked at her and rubbed his head in confusion.

Travis: No way.

Becky: I looked up and saw some stuff so.

Travis: Oh God, I don't remember anything.

Becky: Well I remember everything.

Travis was still pacing as Becky just watched him.

He didn't know what to do and sat on the table and looked at her with still a confused look.

Travis: Does she know?

Becky: If she doesn't remember last night then probably not.

Travis: What do I do?

Becky: Tell her.

Travis: Shit that's going to be one awkward moment.

Becky: Yeah, goodluck because she's awake now. And I texted her to come over.

Travis: You did what now?

Becky giggled while she was scrolling through her phone and he still paced, he went to clear his head by taking a shower. He had music playing and heard a message come through, he got out of the shower and looked at it. It was a picture of drunk Travis and Charlotte kissing in the back of the car that night, he now believed everything Becky said and walked out to see Charlotte and Becky sitting on his bed.

Travis: Oh.. uh.. Hi.

Charlotte: Are you ok?

Becky: Here I'm gonna go take a shower.

She walked by him and winked at him, indicating that he break the news to Charlotte and to show proof from the photo Becky sent him. He didn't know how to do it so he just stood there and looked at her.

Charlotte: Travis? Are you ok?

Travis: What? Oh yeah I'm fine, my head is killing me.

Charlotte: Oh my god I have this video of you and AJ singing on karaoke to Journey.

WOOTastic Life (Charlotte Flair × OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now