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Cas was awoken to a loud bang on the door
"Cas? You in there!"
It was Dean, Castiel rubbed his eyes and took his phone out of his pocket
"Yes, Dean." Castiel called out, tired
"Open up!" Dean demanded, Castiel opened the door to see a panicked Dean.
"You damn worried me Novak." Dean sighed
"Why the hell did you go?" Dean demanded
"I'd rather not talk about it." Castiel sighed, walked past and sat at his bed, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and lye down.

Cas jumped, crawling across the floor to the corner of the room, he sat, hugging his knees.
"Goddammit Cas!" Dean bellowed, he was rageful. Cas sat and tried to drain it out, he shoved his head down his knees and grabbed his head, he starting crying a bit.
Dean felt horrible for acting like this to his new roommate.
"Son of a bitch" Dean muttered to himself under her breath

He slowly walked to Cas and sat in front of him.
"Hey, I'm sorry...I just have anger issues sometimes. I guess" Dean comforted
"It's okay. I'm not good at confrontation, or human interaction" Castiel sniffed, looking up. His nose was running. Lightning struck outside, causing Castiel to jump and scream. He started crying again
"Uhh- did I do something wrong." Dean asked, slightly worried.
"No. I just have an irrational fear of storms, and social interaction, and big dogs. I'm so foolish" Castiel cried, he was shaking.
"Hey it's okay. Do you know what distracts me from storms?" Dean asked
"No..." Castiel sniffed, upset
"Music!" Dean said happily, standing up and getting his earphones from his bag.

More lightning struck and Castiel got more and more scared. Dean sat back down in front of Cas with his phone and earphones. He put one earphone is his ear and one in Castiel's, before he could play the music another beam of lighting struck and Castiel grabbed Dean's hand in fear, Dean frowned, but then smiled.

"What song should we listen to. Choose one on my playlist." Dean said, happily. Tears were rolling down Castiel's face, he truly was terrified. He clicked on Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles. Castiel didn't know this song but he didn't know what else to pick, his hand was shaking as he went to click on it.

Dean looked up smiling. Whenever lightning struck Castiel could still hear it and he would squeeze Dean's hand and close his eyes.
"Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun and I say, it's all right" Dean sung beautifully, Castiel looked at him confused, but smiling. He knew this was going to be an important moment to him, and he dozed off to sleep

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