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"w-WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT- MOM SAID FOR VACATION AND TOLD ME TO BRING YOUR FRIENDS TOO STOP CRYING I'M SORRY-" brian panicked and forced the four crying boys into a hug.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST FUCKING SAY IT" jisung yelled with anger and relief in his voice.

"you know me, i'm a bitch." brian wiggled his eyebrows.

"yeah how does jae even deal with you"

"EXCUSE ME- JUST PACK YOUR THINGS GOSH" brian crossed his arms and pouted, sending the boys pack their things.

"bAbE? can i take my plushie with me?" minho asked, pouting at jisung.

"yes you can baby, but don't cuddle with it more than with me."

"okay" minho smiled widely as he stuffed the plush bear into his bag.

"CHANNIE WHERE ARE MY FAVORITE SOCKS" jeongin yelled across the house.


"god you guys are a mess. and i thought i was annoying." brian sighed as he whipped out his phone and dialed a number.

"wE'RE DONE" minho yelled, throwing his suitcase down the stairs and running after it.

"oh shit what the fuck" brian said as he watched minho roll down the stairs.

"lET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" jeongin yelled and dragged minho and brian outside, along with their suitcases and bags, throwing them into the car.

"JISUNG CHAN WHERE YOU AT" minho yelled out, already putting on the seatbelt.

"WE'RE HERE" both screamed back, tripping over air while trying to run to the car.

by now everyone was sitting the car, in the front were brian and chan, because they're the oldest and they would die first in a car crash.

in the middle were jisung on the left, minho in the middle and jeongin on the right.

"are we gonna see jae at the airport or did you come here without him?" jisung raised a brow.

"he came with me but stayed at the aiport because of the food."

"are we flying instantly?"

"well duh why do you think we just almost had a car crash because i'm driving too fast?"

jeongin excitedly jumped up and down on his seat, making minho join him.

"can we get some food there, eating makes minho and jeongin tired." chan sighed as he looked at the two males being idiots.

"yeah- there's tons of food, what do they prefer?"

"uh- pizza?"

"oki doki" (doki literature club)

they parked the car, which actually belonged to jisung and brian's mom and naruto ran their way to jae, who was quietly sitting on a bench with the pizza brian told him to buy.

"hey babe" jae laughed and put away his phone to peck his boyfriend on the lips.

"hiiiiiiiiiii- so you already know jisung, this is his boyfriend minho and this is chan and this chan's boyfriend jeongin- he's smol"

"hi i'm jae" the oldest male greeted.

"thE FLIGHT IS IN 10 MINUTES GUYS FUCKING RUN" jae suddenly yelled, dragging everyone behind him.

in the plane they were exhausted from the running, not being able to breathe at a normal pace, they all flop down on their seats.

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