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"Jimmy please... you're hurting me."  Her words came out as desperate sobs, tears streaming down her poor, pathetic face.

I looked at my right hand, which was grasping onto the top of my wife's arm, squeezing harder than I thought I was even capable of. I had a moment of sense - what the fuck was I doing? But just as quick as that, the anger took back over me.

"You stupid little slut," I hissed, pushing her away from me, watching her body fall down onto the couch. "How dare you do this to me?"

"You have a problem, Jimmy," she stood up, her voice wavering as she looked from me, to the glass of whiskey I had in my other hand. "A serious problem."

"Fuck you," I yelled as she headed upstairs, tempted to follow her but knowing that was the wrong decision. When I was wasted, my mind was a battle of good vs bad, or right vs wrong. It's like I had an angel sitting on one shoulder and a devil on the other, and more than times not, the devil won.

But the angel was there, telling me not to take this further. Because man, if I got my hands on her... I didn't know what I might do. And I didn't want to know.

'You have a problem, Jimmy.' Her words were ringing in my ears, the tiny part of my brain that was still conscious debating this. I knew she was right - but I could never, ever admit it.

So I swigged the last of my whiskey, before chucking the glass directly into the middle of the mirror above the fireplace, smashing it into pieces.

The Devil Within [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now