02 | casper hartledge

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"What do you know about the two murders last night?" I repeated.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied stubbornly.

Deep breaths, Carter. Deep breaths.

"A portal has been recorded to have been used at the time of the murders and it's identified as your magic." I threw the evidence files on the coffee table, in front.

"The facts are all there, sweetheart."

"I never liked you Elementals." She muttered under her breath.


I stood up. This interrogation was pointless and getting me no where. I'm done being nice.

"Now fucking listen, Evangeline." I said, raising my hand slowly. "I will not take this shit from you or from anybody else today. So just tell me what you were doing there."

She glanced at me and crossed one leg over the other.

"You seem to forget that I can kill you with the flick of my wrist without even flinching." She hissed, hatred lacing each vowel.

"You seem to forget what'll happen if you do kill me." I responded, holding my hand up.

"Casper Hartledge. I'm not saying anymore and if you know what's good for you, Carter, you won't involve me into this."

I put my hand down.

"Thank you for you're cooperation." I said, in a monotone voice walking out of the room and towards the door. "Oh, and the tea."

But she slammed the door in my face before I could glance back at her.

I was so glad I put dirt in her tea!

Two Vampires were found dead earlier this morning and me being the lucky person I am, was chosen to sort this investigation out.

The Vampire division were hot on our tails threatening all other divisions and warning us all, that once they find out who did it, would be in big trouble.

I had already figured out that the murderer was desperate to kill the two Vampires off, otherwise they would've waited until morning when Vampires' powers are reduced to Proletarian.

This also tells me that it was most likely to be spontaneous and not planned. I checked all magic boundaries and the only one that caught my eye was the portal, which lead me to Evangeline Prontes.

And now Casper Hartledge is on my list.

I took my phone out of my pocket and tried to turn it on. But the screen stayed blank. I pressed it again, but it continued to stay blank.

I groaned, restraining from pulling out my own hair. Today is not my day.

I found myself walking towards the nearest Pelagus, a meeting place for Elementals. They're dotted around the city and easy enough to find, if you know where to look.

I threw my coat onto one of the hooks, by the door of the Pelagus.

"Hey, Kai!" He looked up at me and waved his hand in acknowledgement.

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