.:Chapter Two:.

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'And you're standing on the edge, face up

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'And you're standing on the edge, face up. Cuz you're a Natural!'

Severus panted quietly leaning against the door of the library. He looked down at the grey satchel he'd been holding in a death grip and noticed the handle of a chestnut wand sticking out from the top. His eyebrows jumped to his hairline, "What kind of imbecile goes up against four wizards without a wand?"

"This kind of imbecile," comes a quirked voice causing the Slytherin to jerk his head up to look at the curly haired teen. His nose was obviously broken and bleeding heavily and a black and purple bruise was blooming across his jaw, but he was grinning, "Hi, I'm Cercius, I transferred from America last month".

Scowling the other teen thrust the satchel into his 'saviors' chest, "Severus Snape, I didn't need your help".

Shrugging his bag onto his shoulder the brunet huffed a laugh, "Maybe I just wanted to get a swing at that Gryffindor bloke, mind showing me to the Medic?"

"Why transfer? We were already a month into school when you got here," The onyx eyed boy questioned beginning to lead the way towards the Hospital Wing.

The Hufflepuff tried to match his pace as they passed a few Ravenclaw girls, "My parents kicked it so my grandma on my Mum's side decided that the son of a Muggle and a Squib was a better Heir than none at all, so here I am".

Severus stiffened and dropped his head lower, "Sorry to hear that".

"Why?" Cercius shrugged, "I mean it's not like it's your fault, they were in debt and decided to off themselves. Nothing you or me could've done".

The potioneer looked up startled, "They committed suicide?! Did they even think about you?"

The other teen hummed quietly, "Doubt it, I was at Illvermorny all except summers so I didn't even know until Grams showed up and took me to the funeral, next thing I know she port-keys me here and Dumbledore dumps a hat in my head that has me dressing like a bumblebee".

Severus frowns, "You don't care that they're gone? Not even a little?"

They stop in front of the Mediward and Cercius grasps the door handle, "Nah they didn't really like me, me being magic and all. Thanks for bringing me, we should hang out sometime!"

Scowling the Slytherin crosses his arms, "I doubt we're the type that hang out together".

The Hufflepuff blinks and shakes his head, "Too bad, you seem like a pretty interesting bloke".

When Severus looked up to deliver a scathing remark the door was already clicking closed behind the other teen. He shifted his bag on his shoulder and glanced around the corridor deciding it was safe enough to slink back to the library for a new potions or tonics text.

This is Cercius' wand.

This is Cercius' wand

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The Fate of Severus Snape// S.S. Gay LSWhere stories live. Discover now