Chapter Thirty; The End

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Chapter Thirty; The End

4 months later

"I'm not saying sorry for what I did," I told kensie sternly watching Michael glare at me.

"it's been four months get over it," Michael snapped "I'm tired of this attitude you've got since leaving him,"

"Well he shouldn't of moved on so quickly," I quickly snapped back referring to pretty much a week after I kicked him out he had moved in with Charlotte.

"He had no choice!" Kensie snapped back to me making me flinch back as I have never seen her like that before.

"Ken's, imagine mikey being in a PR stunt. Then messaging you and tell you they prefer to be with her. It hurts," I muttered harshly standing up annoyed at the two people who were meant to be my best friends.

"Nick," Michael whispered pulling me into a hug "you went quiet on us we were worried,"

The last four months, I will admit has been harder then I thought it would be. Not because of luke but because I didn't have my friends. I blanked them all for my own selfish stupid reasons and I regret it.

"Still not saying sorry." I muttered making kensie sigh and run her hand through her freshly dyed purple hair.

"Fine." She said shaking her head "as long as you don't go quiet on us again," I nodded agreeing, not telling her about my new love. A month after we met we started going out, and well he's a lot better then luke.

"How have you been the last months?" Michael asked cautiously

"You can't tell anyone guys, but I've been amazing,"

"Why can't we tell anyone,"

"Cause I found someone else,"


You ruined me, he fixed me. You broke me, he repaired me

Who's this about?

Song lyrics

I sighed locking my phone, after I tweet something about someone luke always replies making it harder to move on. Luckily he knows this and helps me through it. I quickly put in my passcode, his birthday, 2009. I reopened twitter seeing Luke's replies and string of tweets making me groan. This hurt but it had to be done.

I entered his profile hovering over setting. It had to be done. I pressed the button blocking him, he could no longer reply, no longer see my tweets. I could move on from him. For good.

I lay back on my bed soaking in the silence, Storm was over my moms as I've been busy with work.

The last four months he managed to get me a new job, working in photography at concerts at our local arena. My dream job. He has done so much more for me then luke ever did and he cares more and shows it better.

Me and luke were held back, always stopped. But me and him have never been and I'm glad we hadn't been, it was the best night of my life.

He cares more then luke ever did.

He cares about me, not money or fans. He is a normal person like me, with a normal job. No leaving for months, no being thrown into PR stunts. Nothing.

This is what I needed.

I loved him and he loved me back.

Luke was my first love but my second love is way better then luke ever was.

It's just us.

Us against the world.

Me and luke were as close as strangers. Me and him are unbreakable. There's no breaking us. Nothing in the future could break us.

Or so I thought...


Forbidden love // Luke Hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now