Chapter 2:A girl from the sky

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Unknown's POV

"I seriously think you shouldn't mess with that.Mom and Dad specifically told you not to" I say,eyeing the book he was holding.
"I can see why" I mutter under my breath.
"Aw,come on.I just want to tinker with it for a bit"
"That's what you said the last time"
We hug before doing our secret friendshake. Maria Venetia, and I have been best friends since preschool.She was like the sister I never had.
"Best Friends Forever!!!" We shout in unison.
"I'll never understand girls" I hear my twin say as he walked past me.
"So how's life?" I ask
"Good.Chris is staying in my home for a few days since his parents were transferred to another place"
"That adorable little cousin of yours?It's been while since I've seen him.Tell him I said Hi"
"Kk.So how's YOUR life?"I shrug at her question.
" Meh,could be better "
"It's your brothers, isn't it?"
"I swear i'm going to kill one of them soon,that is if they don't kill me first.I'm going crazy in that house. This morning,they were fighting over a comic book, A FREAKING COMIC BOOK" In response Maria laughed.
   "On a completely different note,do you have any chains I could borrow?" Maria looks at me weirdly.
"Ohh,no reason" I shrug,smiling innocently,thinking about five certain people. Maria stares at me with amusement before staring ahead. For the rest of that morning, a comfortable silence fell between us as we walked to school.
"I really don't think this is a good idea" I say with nervousness.
"It's okay,now hold still!"
"I still don't get why I have to be the test subject" I grumbled, crossing my arms. He stayed quiet as if I wasn't there. I sigh hopelessly.
  "OK,I think I got it. Dawn and Dusk,Night and Day,Magic of Time,please obey,take me not to where I know, but to somewhere I've never seen before."
  Suddenly the wind started blowing violently,a small and dark vortex opens sucking up everything in it's sight. Everything, including me.Then my vision goes black.
"Bye Marie" Maria waves back before leaving .We had just finished eating our snacks after kung -fu practice. That's right, I practice kung- fu.Got to defend my self from creeps and gorillas aka my brothers.
  After packing my stuff, I decided to head my special place which is in the forest,behind a waterfall. My special place was like a safe haven for me,to help me escape from everything and anything. No one knows except my twin and Maria. I can't tell ALL my brothers, one already is enough.
I wake from my nap,noticing it was sunset as I looked at the sky .Then I saw a star twinkle.
  'Stars aren't supposed to twinkle during sunsets,right?Maybe it's a shooting star or a meteor? Oh,it's getting bigger and closer '
      "Wait...." I paused
       "WHAT THE CHOCOLATE?!!!?" I shouted before running a few safe distances backward. I cover my face as ....whatever that is causes a huge impact which made a huge gust of wind almost blow me way. Once the wind settled I walked towards the thing......or should I say who?My eyes widened as I looked the girl. Scratches, cuts, and bruises were scattered on her skin .Her clothes were tattered and a huge gash was on her forehead. I froze  as she groaned and opened her midnight blue eyes.
    "Who.......are......ugh" I sighed, relieved she was fell unconscious .It would be easier for me to take her home and take care of her. Besides,I have to ask her a few questions. Although, one question still stuck to my mind .I looked at the sky
"Did she really just fall from the sky?"

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