Chapter 11:Her resolution.

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"I still don't get it"
"Don't you see,this all happened after I was struck by lightning, so instead of killing me the lightning gave me a power"
"...I don't know, it looks weird"
  "You're one to talk"
   "True. So can you show me this 'superpower' you speak of?"
  "Sure, umm...." Cynthia trailed, looking around her room. Her eyes lighted up when she thought of an idea.
She opens her closet and throws some of her clothes on the floor. Then she ruffles the bedsheets, making it look messy.
  "What are you doing?" Anna questioned.
   "Messing my room up" Cynthia said, throwing some pillows on the floor.
  "So l can show you how fast I am" After throwing a few crumpled papers on the floor, Cynthia felt satisfied.
"Now what?"
Anna gaped as Cynthia zoomed across the room .In less than five seconds the room was neat and tidy.
Cynthia smiled smugly as she watched Anna's expression.
         "Told ya"
"I'm trying"
"Well,try harder!"
Cynthia grunts as she tries to carry her bed. She sighs and gives up.
  "Well,it's obviously not super strength"
A little while ago when Cynthia proved she had superspeed Anna grew excited and told Cynthia to do a test drive to see if she had anymore powers.
  Super strength was definitely a no-no.
              *       *     *
Anna and Cynthia face palmed the bed,groaning from tiredness and frustration.
  "We've found nothing so far"
   "That's not true, we found out I have super fast reflexes."
"That's because you have super speed" Anna groaned.
"Hm...." Cynthia faced the ceiling and stared at the lightbulb.
  "Hmmm..." Cynthia squinted her eyes.
'Let's see,I got struck by lightning and now I'm as FAST as lightning AND I have super fast reflexes.
Hmm,fast reflexes and super speed, both at lightning speed'
"That's it!"Cynthia sat up
"What's it?" Anna also sat up.
  "It all makes sense now! The fast reflexes, the speed,they all relate to lightning --"
"-- which means --"
  "-- I have --"
   "-- lightning powers!"
"Aw,come on!" Cynthia exclaimed.
"Try again" Anna sighed tiredly. Cynthia also sighed before summoning a lightning bolt. Correction,tried.
"It's not working!" Cynthia growled.
"Are you even trying?"
"Of course, I am" Cynthia said, facing Anna with Cynthia puzzled look.
  "No,you're not"Anna said,making Cynthia more puzzled.
  " Magic isn't some kind of trick, you can't just wave your hand around and make a lightning bolt appear. It has to come from within,so try again and this time really try"
  Cynthia nodded and took a deep breath. She cupped her arms and closed her eyes. She blocked out all sounds except the beating of her heart. She scrunched her brows and focused on something,anything. And then she found it. A spark, a literal one. She focused on making it bigger. She could feel static around her. She could hear lightning run through her veins. She could feel --
   "Cynthia, look!" , the said girl opened her eyes, gasping softly as she catches sight of a lightning bolt in her cupped hands.
  " It's beautiful "Cynthia breathed, temporarily losing focus which made the bolt disappear.
   " This is so awesome "Cynthia squealed " I could become a vigilante,or better yet a superhero " Anna smiled at Cynthia's delight, although her stomach begged to differ.
The redhead chuckled.
   "I'll go make you something"

       🙏🙏     🙏🙏.      🙎🙎
Cynthia laid on the couch not listening to what was on TV. She had a lot of things on her mind.
  'I can't believe I'm one of the people who didn't die from lightning. To top it off,I have superpowers. I don't know though. I'm not sure if I want to be a hero or not. I want to save people but at the same time I know what's at stake. Maria,my brothers, my parents.... even Anna!Basically anyone who's involved in my life. And even if I DO become a hero I also have to risk my life, sleep, studies and --'
Cynthia groaned,placing a hand on her temple and gently massaging it.
  'Maybe I'll --' Cynthia yawned.
"--sleep...." Cynthia mumbled and dozed off.
             😴😴 😴😴😴
Cynthia woke up due to the shouts of horror and sounds of an explosion. She soon found out it was because of the TV that was currently showing the news about terrorists bombing an area. Her heart ached as she watched the news reporter interview the people caught in the explosion, their voices distraught and frustrated. Not able to bear it any longer she switched off the TV. She sighed and threw her head back, eyes closed.
'Let's see,to be or to not be a hero. If I become a hero I could save people... make this world a better place. But if I don't, people's lives could be at stake and I would go back to my boring life'
She sighed again. Positive no one was around she summoned a lightning bolt. She stared at it.
  'This power... I could either ignore it or use it to help people. I can use it for good. '
  But you might get hurt. My nagging conscience said. I shake my head.
   'It's worth it if people are saved'
    What about your friends and family? You won't have time for them.
   'I'll figure something out'
My conscience settled after that.
'It's settled then. I'll become --'
  A hero.

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